SKHB IPB University Organizes Summer Course with a Focus on Sumatran Rhino Conservation

SKHB IPB University Organizes Summer Course with a Focus on Sumatran Rhino Conservation

SKHB IPB University Selenggarakan Summer Course dengan Fokus pada Konservasi Badak Sumatera

School of Veterinary Medicine nd Biomedical Science (SKHB) IPB University held a Summer Course with the theme “Indonesian Conservation of Critically Endangered Sumatran Rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis).” This activity seeks to provide an in-depth understanding of the need to conserve Sumatran Rhinos.

Resource persons were presented from various institutions such as Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary (SRS), SKHB IPB University, Ministry of Forestry and Environment, Freie Universität Berlin, and Leibniz Institute of Zoo and Wildlife Research, Berlin, Germany.

Participants received insights into the ecology, health, reproductive techniques, and conservation challenges faced by this endangered species.

Dean of SKHB IPB University, Dr drh Amrozi explained, SKHB Summer Course activities in 2023 were arranged in an innovative hybrid format. The first ten days took place in the form of online lectures attended by 78 participants from six countries, including material exposure and discussion. The activity continued for five days in person or offline in Way Kambas National Park and Sumatran Rhinos Sanctuary (SRS) in Lampung Province. Both locations were chosen because they are important locations for Sumatran Rhino conservation.

“Participation in two forms, online and offline, provides a different dimension to the learning experience. Online sessions allow broad access for participants from different countries and institutions, while offline sessions provide in-depth field experience in the natural habitat of Sumatran Rhinos for participants interested in conservation,” said Dr Amrozi.

He continued, the summer course participants came from various countries, namely Univerdad de Murcia (Spain), Vietnam National University of Agriculture and Nong Lam University (Vietnam), The University of Zambia (Zambia), University of Glasgow (Ireland), Mumbai Veterinary College and MAFSU (India), and from various universities in Indonesia. Nine of them had the opportunity to directly visit and study at SRS, Way Kambas.
“This Summer Course is expected to form a young generation that understands and cares about the environment and conservation of Indonesian wildlife, especially Sumatran Rhinos,” added Dr Amrozi.

The IPB University lecturer explained that the involvement of international participants was to provide global insights and perspectives in conservation efforts. Hopefully, the summer course involving various participants from various countries can socialize efforts to conserve rare species that have an important role in the biodiversity ecosystem in Indonesia. (AP/ra) (IAAS/NVA)