SKHB IPB University Attends FGD Formation of Veterinary Medicine Study Program, Padang University

SKHB IPB University Attends FGD Formation of Veterinary Medicine Study Program, Padang University

SKHB IPB University Hadiri FGD Pembentukan Prodi Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Negeri Padang

IPB University’s School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (SKHB) attended an invitation to a focus group discussion (FGD) at Padang University (UNP). The activity which was held in the UNP Hotel IPC Room was in the context of plans to establish a Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine study program at UNP.

IPB University’s SKHB team was led directly by the dean, Dr drh Amrozi and accompanied by Dr drh Wahono Esthi Prasetyaningtyas (Chief of Study Program/Chief of Study Program for Undergraduate Veterinary Medicine/SKH Program), Dr drh Sri Murtini (Chief of Veterinary Professional Education Program/PPDH), Dr drh Kusdiantoro Mohamad and Dr drh Krido Brahmo Putro.

The FGD was also attended by the Chairman of the Livestock and Animal Health Service (Kadis) for the Province of West Sumatra (Sumbar) Sukarli, SPt, MSi and the Chairperson of the West Sumatra Indonesian Veterinary Association (PDHI) drh Wahidin Beruh and other stakeholders.

UNP Vice Rector, Prof Syahril said that his party would move quickly in realizing the veterinary medicine study program at UNP.

“We will coordinate and fully collaborate with IPB University and PDHI West Sumatra, starting from the preparation of academic texts, curriculum to learning, so that this study program has the characteristics of other veterinary study programs,” explained Prof Syahril in his remarks.

Chief of West Sumatra Livestock Office Sukarli said in his remarks, “West Sumatra really needs veterinarians, that’s why we will always provide support for the opening of this veterinary study program at UNP.”

The Dean of SKHB IPB University welcomed UNP’s intention to establish a study program in veterinary medicine. “West Sumatra has the potential for large prospective students with a high interest in becoming a veterinarian from the Sumatra region. Various supporting factors, PPDH student internships, animal hospitals, the livestock industry and human resources (HR) are all available in West Sumatra,” said West Sumatra. Dr Amrozi in his speech.

During the FGD, Dr Esthi and Dr Sri respectively explained the curriculum and learning in the SKH Study Program and PPDH SKHB IPB University. A more in-depth discussion was held for two days between the UNP Task Force Team and the IPB University Team. One of the suggestions in this FGD is to make zoonoses and food safety a feature of the UNP Veterinary Medicine Study Program. (km/Rz) (IAAS/Hap)