Signing MoU with ARM HA IPB University, MT Farm Donates 1,000 Cans of Ready-to-eat Food for Disaster Response Operations

Signing MoU with ARM HA IPB University, MT Farm Donates 1,000 Cans of Ready-to-eat Food for Disaster Response Operations

Teken MoU Dengan ARM HA IPB University, MT Farm Donasikan 1.000 Kaleng Makanan Siap Santap Untuk Operasi Tanggap Bencana

The Independent Volunteer Action of the Alumni Association (ARM HA) IPB University officially signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) in the field of disaster management and humanitarianism with Mitra Tani (MT) Farm, Saturday (12/8) in Tegalwaru, Ciampea, Bogor Regency.

Director of MT Farm, Budi Susilo Setiawan, SPt, who is also an alumnus of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, IPB University Batch 37, signed the MoU with the Chairman of ARM HA IPB University, Ir Ahmad Husein, MSi. Also witnessing the historic collaboration were Board of Trustees member Dr Naufal Mahfudz and ARM Chairperson 2, Ir Emy Puji Astuti.

“At MT Farm, we apply the concept of agro-edu-living, the integration of agricultural business, education and education, as well as residence or property,” said Budi Susilo Setiawan when giving a speech. Budi explained the compatibility with ARM HA IPB University considering many of MT Farm’s partners have been working in the humanitarian field. “Hopefully we can develop this social synergy together,” Budi hoped.

Along with the signing, MT Farm symbolically donated 1,000 cans of ready-to-eat beef and lamb rendang processed food that they produce to ARM HA IPB University as part of the stock of future disaster emergency response assistance. This donation was handed over directly by Budi Susilo Setiawan to a member of the Board of Trustees of ARM HA IPB University, Dr Naufal Mahfudz.

In his speech, Dr Naufal Mahfudz fully supported this cooperation initiative. He believes that ARM HA IPB University always applies the principles of good governance in every planning and implementation of its programmes.

“When we fulfil the rights of donors, it is actually the beginning of good governance,” said the man who currently serves as Head of the Business, Investment and Waqf Management Agency of IPB University and CEO of PT Bogor Life Science and Technology (BLST) Holding Company IPB. He hopes that the board and volunteers of ARM HA IPB University can continue to revive the organisation and spread the benefits even wider.

For ARM HA IPB University, this collaboration is expected to further strengthen the base of their humanitarian operations with the availability of a more nutritious and durable stock of relief materials.

“With an expiry period of up to three years, this canned processed meat will play an important role as a reliable intake for survivors in disaster-affected areas,” said Chairman of ARM HA IPB University, Ahmad Husein. ARM HA IPB University volunteers who are assigned are also more assured with the provision of nutritious canned food.

On the other hand, these canned products can also be used for disaster preparedness and community empowerment programmes that ARM HA IPB University has designed, such as stunting alleviation/prevention and supplementary feeding programmes for residents and students in disaster-prone areas.

In addition to canned meat products, ARM HA IPB University and MT Farm also discussed the potential of producing other long-lasting stocks of packaged processed foods for emergency situations such as savoury rice combined with more affordable animal protein side dishes such as mangut catfish.

After the signing, the ARM HA IPB University team had the opportunity to conduct a field visit to MT Farm’s sheep, goat and cattle farms and canned meat processing plant. (*/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)