Ridwan Kamil to Sandiaga Uno Welcome New Students of IPB University Graduate School

Ridwan Kamil to Sandiaga Uno Welcome New Students of IPB University Graduate School

Ridwan Kamil hingga Sandiaga Uno Sambut Mahasiswa Baru Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB University

Postgraduate School (SPs) of IPB University held Student Day 2023. Rector of IPB University Prof Arif Satria, Governor of West Java Ridwan Kamil and Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno attended the event to welcome and introduce campus life to the new students of SPs IPB University.

Dean of SPs IPB University, Prof Dodik Ridho Nurrochmat said that the admission of SPs students this year increased. SPs IPB University received 2,415 new students, up 20 per cent compared to last year. He hopes that the increase can be consistent every year.

“The number 2,415 students is not a small number. So, we still have to maintain the quality but we make the learning flexible,” he said during the Student Day speech, Sunday (13/8) at Toyib Hadiwijaya Auditorium, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB Dramaga Campus.

The Governor of West Java, Ridwan Kamil shared a message related to the role of youth in realising the Golden Indonesia 2045. According to him, there are three things that must be maintained. First, avoid quarrels. Do not occupy yourself by fighting because of different choices. He said, differences should be seen as a blessing, because diversity is wealth.

“Second, towards the Golden Indonesia of 2045 you must understand the new economy because the old economy will be replaced by machines. Third, we should not only export raw goods, because we are one of the rich countries in the world,” explained Kang Emil, his nickname.

Therefore, he emphasised that postgraduate students must support research at IPB University to be downstreamed. This is to make Indonesia a nation that innovates. Ridwan Kamil advised, as a golden generation, graduate students must be the best excellent exceeding all previous generations.

“Your life is accelerated by technology, but the technology can be good or bad depending on our mindset. Moral and religion are important in this era of falsehood,” he concluded.

Rector of IPB University, Prof Arif Satria believes that the diversity of backgrounds of IPB University graduate students will not be an obstacle, but instead a strength to be able to work together, optimistic and confident.

“We hope that IPB University graduate students must be able to show optimism and confidence to realise the future of the nation. Hopefully we can all be part of the nation’s future,” said the rector.

Vice Rector of IPB University for Education and Student Affairs Prof Deni Noviana said on average every year IPB University accepts around 8,500 multistrata students with a student body of around 34 thousand.

“IPB University has a vision to become a world class university with a larger student body composition of postgraduate students. In addition, the indication is a significant number of publications. The number of publications certainly needs to be encouraged by the presence of postgraduate students,” he said.

Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno, who was present in a hybrid manner, said that IPB University must be able to penetrate the top three in the world to increase innovation and digitalisation in creating jobs. “We must pay attention to social and economic development, so that it has a positive impact on society. Let’s realise Indonesia as a great country,” he said.

Deputy Minister of Labour, Ir Afriansyah Noor also gave a message to IPB University Postgraduate students via video. “You are selected students. Therefore, produce academic work and achievements for the alma mater of IPB University. Take this postgraduate academic journey seriously and with full confidence. Always success and happy studying,” he ordered. (Lp/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)