Rector of IPB University: The Concept of Techno-Sociopreneurial Based Higher Education Boosts Agricultural-Based Economic Innovation

Rector of IPB University: The Concept of Techno-Sociopreneurial Based Higher Education Boosts Agricultural-Based Economic Innovation


Prof Arif Satria, Rector of IPB University said the concept of techno-sociopreneur-based higher education could be the key in strengthening the agricultural economy. He stated this at the 5th Anniversary of the Gowa Agricultural Development Polytechnic (Polbangtan), National Seminar and Millennial Agriculture Forum with the theme ‘Strengthening the Agricultural Economy: Building Agricultural-Based Innovation Startups’ (5/8).

According to him, the concept promoted by IPB University can create an educational ecosystem that is more innovative and resilient in dealing with mega-disruptions. The graduates produced will also have the current mindset and skills. Especially the role of millennials is needed to take advantage of technology and build digital agricultural businesses such as startups.

“IPB University has a long-term vision of becoming a techno-sociopreneur university that has the power to transform the agricultural industry into a more sustainable one. We combine research, innovation and entrepreneurship, utilizing it to transform society through empowerment,” he explained.

Prof Arif added, this techno-sociopreneurship concept has also boosted IPB University’s reputation in the ranking of world-class universities. Not only reputation, a number of innovations produced have also brought positive changes to the community.

“It is important to keep on noting that the world of techno-sociopreneurship ends in education and research, so it must produce people who have a growth mindset,” he continued.

The integration of learning and student affairs through this concept begins with talent mapping to filter interests according to the desired career. IPB University also provides business planning and incubation facilities for students who are interested in doing business. Meanwhile, to support the research and innovation ecosystem in the food sector, IPB University facilitates its civitas with the Science Techno Park (STP) which synergizes with the industrial world.

“In the social field, IPB University also provides a Community Learning Center as a community strengthening center which has spread across 29 provinces,” added Prof Arif.

He revealed that the construction of STP was a way for IPB University to support innovations that benefit the wider community through industry. It is also hoped that this will become an inspiration for the Ministry of Agriculture and Polbangtan who have the same interest in technopreneurship.

“If you have the same spirit, I’m sure it will provide added value for the progress of agriculture in Indonesia,” he concluded. (MW) (IAAS/YMK)