Preparing for International Accreditation, IPB University’s Biochemistry Study Program Receives the LAMSAMA Field Assessment Team

Preparing for International Accreditation, IPB University’s Biochemistry Study Program Receives the LAMSAMA Field Assessment Team

Bersiap Akreditasi Internasional, Program Studi Biokimia IPB University Terima Tim Asesmen Lapangan LAMSAMA

The Biochemistry Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences IPB University received the LAMSAMA field assessment team, 24-25/8. LAMSAMA is an Independent Accreditation Institution for Natural Science and Formal Science.

The accreditation criteria used by LAMSAMA are of international standard. LAMSAMA is ready to collaborate with accreditation bodies in science and formal sciences around the world. For graduates of study programs accredited by LAMSAMA, they must have two main skills that have been assessed strictly, namely mastery of knowledge (subject-specific skills) and professionalism (transferable skills).

Prof Agus Purwito, Secretary of the Institute, welcomed the assessment activity. According to him, this activity is important because later, the study program will be given suggestions and input that must be considered in developing the study program.

“As we know, LAMSAMA has done well in terms of accreditation. With this assessment, I hope that the quality of study programs at IPB University can improve. We will also continue to re-accredit various study programs to get international accreditation,” he said.

He continued in this activity too, later we can learn from each other about quality management. “We really support this activity until the end of the activity, we are also ready to show our best so we can produce the best value,” said Prof Agus.

LAMSAMA Assessor, Prof Yosephine Sri Wulan Manuhara expressed his gratitude for being warmly welcomed at IPB University.

“We represent an independent accreditation agency, requesting permission to clarify the reports submitted and we have examined them in full. For that, there need to be a number of things that must be clarified in accordance with the conditions in the field,” she said.

She said that for two days his team collected evidence on everything that had been reported. “We really hope for good cooperation so that the accreditation results will also be in accordance with what we expect,” she said.

The same thing was also conveyed by another assessor, namely Dr Erly Marwani. She said that their arrival and duties were confirmation.
“We, as fellow academics here, do not intend to patronize. We are on duty in the field to take pictures according to what is written in the document, therefore we ask for your cooperation. Later, we will report the results of this assessment to the executive board and those who will determine the results,” explained Dr Erly. (Lp/Ra) (IAAS/MFR)