Five Messages of IPB University Rector in the Excitement of MPKMB 60

The 60th batch of New Student Campus Introduction Period (MPKMB) which was attended by 7,200 new students of IPB University was lively. Rector of IPB University, Prof Arif Satria gave five important messages to Tridhata Barathasena, as the students of batch 60 were called.
“Welcome to the new students of IPB University. This campus is a place for self-development to become a useful person. There are five messages so that you can survive and can become leaders of change,” opened the rector welcoming the new students of IPB University batch 60.
The first message is to strengthen the character of integrity. The Rector said that honesty and discipline are important factors of success. From integrity, innovation and inspiration will be born.
“Second, be a true learner with a growth mindset. IPB University tries to produce graduates who have the mentality of a learner,” said Prof Arif.
The third message, strengthen grit or self persistence to be able to change for the better. According to him, a growing mindset will give birth to will and strength. That mindset will be the capital for persistence.
“Everyone must focus on future practice, something new, innovative and unprecedented. People who focus on future practice are the mental capital to become leaders,” the rector explained.
“The last message is that we must strengthen techno-sociopreneurs. Sociopreneurship is entrepreneurship to develop innovations for the needs of society. We must continue to dream until our dreams can be achieved,” he said.
Chairman of the Alumni Association (HA) IPB University, Dr Walneg S Jas who was present at the event added that the alumni were ready to support and help realise student success through various programmes.
“HA IPB University will always care, both in providing scholarships, providing internship places, including providing mentoring according to the interests and talents of students while studying at IPB University,” he explained.
He emphasised that there is no reason for IPB students to stop studying because of economic factors. “We, the alumni of IPB University, will support and help you to be smooth and successful while studying. Hopefully all of them will become the future leaders of Indonesia according to their respective interests and professions,” he concluded. (Lp/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)