IPB University Won Three Gold Winner Awards for Public Relations Program The 2nd IDEAS 2023

IPB University won three Gold Winner awards for public relations programs in the event of The 2nd Indonesia Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) and Environment, Social, Governance (ESG) Awards (IDEAS) 2023. The three Gold Winner awards achieved include the Category of Strategic Public Relations Program based on DEI practices, Sub-Category of Equal Career Opportunities; Category of Strategic Public Relations Program based on ESG practices, Sub-Category of Anti-Corruption, and Sub-Category of Handling Pollution and Waste.
The award was received directly by the Head of the Communication Bureau of IPB University, Yatri Indah Kusumastuti. The awarding was held on Friday, (4/8) at BW Suite Hotel, Belitung Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands.
Rector of IPB University, Prof Arif Satria expressed his highest appreciation to all IPB University residents, especially the Communication Bureau team who are tireless to always print legacies that will provide good examples for future generations. “Congratulations to the Communication Bureau of IPB University for obtaining this award,” he said.
According to him, strengthening the reputation of the institution is a common task for all citizens of IPB University which is important to continue to do. “In a conversation, there are some who think IPB University is very good. Others argue that IPB University is better originally than the information in the media. This moment is a trigger to continue to provide information on various IPB University programs,” he added.
Shortly after receiving the award, Yatri Indah Kusumastuti expressed her gratitude for the achievements that had been made. For her, this award can be a lighter to continue to be enthusiastic and tireless in working.
“I would like to thank all those who have supported various IPB University programs. Starting from public relations programs in equal career opportunities, anti-corruption campaign programs, and handling pollution and waste,” he added.
Several judges in this event include Asmono Wikan (Founder and CEO of PR Indonesia Group), Emilia Bassar (CEO of Center for Public Relations, Outreach and Communication), Herry Ginanjar (ESG Expert), Dyah Indraprasta (DEI Expert) and Verlyana Hitipeuw (CEO and Principal Consultant Kiroyan Partners). (dh/Rz) (IAAS/TNY)