IPB University Vocational School Lecturer Teaches the Application of Urban Farming, Alternative Household Food Security Solutions

IPB University Vocational School Lecturer Teaches the Application of Urban Farming, Alternative Household Food Security Solutions

Dosen Sekolah Vokasi IPB University Ajarkan Penerapan Urban Farming, Alternatif Solusi Ketahanan Pangan Rumah Tangga

IPB University Vocational School through community service activities is present in the Katulampa Village, Bogor City, West Java Province to provide urban farming training. The team leader, Dr Doni Sahat Tua Manalu said that this activity was expected to help the people of Bogor City, especially members of the Berkah MBR Women Farmers Group (KWT) in developing agribusiness activities.

Monang Manalu as theChairman of the Development Economics Section, Katulampa Village said, “We are very happy and honored by the presence of the lecturers and students from the Vocational School of IPB University. It is hoped that this activity can be sustainable because the people of Bogor City need the attention of academics in applying their technology and knowledge.”

Nikita, Chairman of the RW 17 of Katulampa Village, explained that community service activities from the IPB University Vocational School are always awaited by the community, especially regarding the theme of urban farming and digital marketing. According to her, people need to get education and reminders about the importance of utilizing narrow land to produce various types of plants, fish, livestock and so on.

“In addition, it is hoped that digital marketing can also strengthen the existence of KWT Berkah MBR by strengthening branding. So far KWT Berkah MBR has been very productive,” she said.

Chairman of the KWT Berkah MBR, Kasiyati admitted that her party was lucky to be able to take part in this activity. “We are very happy and grateful for being given the opportunity to gain a lot of knowledge, information and technology through this activity,” she said.

Urban farming material was delivered by Ulil Azmi Nurlaili Afifah, SP, MSi, lecturer at the Study Program (Prodi) of Seed Industry Technology at the Vocational School of IPB University. She started his presentation by explaining the manufacture of planting media.

“The medium used is a mixture of husk charcoal, top soil (humus soil), compost and manure with a ratio of 1:1:1:1. This media can be used as a medium for all planting activities at KWT Berkah MBR,” she said.

Regarding spice plant pots, (kombu pots) explained Dr Dhika Prita Hapsari who is a lecturer at the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University. “In the current era, mothers want something simpler. For example, if you want to cook stews, spices are needed. Now we can plant various kinds of spices in one pot with the planting medium that was made earlier,” she said.

Various types of urban farming methods are also described in this activity. “Actually there are many approaches in this urban farming method. Therefore, we can adapt it to the conditions and resources we have,” added Henny Rusmiyati, SP, MSi, lecturer at the Seed Industrial Technology Study Program at the Vocational School of IPB University.

“That’s great. The enthusiasm of the participants was evident from their enthusiasm during the material activities and also the practice of making planting media. The participants also planted several types of plants which will later be promoted through social media by KWT Berkah MBR,” said Harries Maritasari, SPd, MPd who guided the course of the event. (*/Rz) (IAAS/Res)