IPB University Students Invite PKK Mothers in Benteng Village to Utilize Telang Flowers

IPB University Students Invite PKK Mothers in Benteng Village to Utilize Telang Flowers

Mahasiswa IPB University Ajak Ibu-Ibu PKK Desa Benteng Manfaatkan Bunga Telang

The Implementation Team of Strengthening Capacity Program (PPK), Student Organization, DPM, Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM), IPB University invited the women of PKK RW 6 Benteng Village to utilize telang flowers.

Ade Dermawan Maulana, Chairman of the PPK Ormawa DPM Implementation Team, said that the abundant flowers were utilized to make various products, such as tea and jam. “Making tea and jam from telang flowers is quite easy, the mothers can make it at home with the tools and materials that are quite easy and can even be found around us,” he said.

He continued, making tea from telang flowers is quite simple. Telang flowers are dried using an oven for 4 hours or dried manually in the sun for 1-2 days. Furthermore, it is processed like making tea in general.

After making telang flower tea, Ade and his team continued the demonstration of making jam from telang flowers. While making telang flower jam, the PPK Ormawa DPM FEM IPB University implementation team also discussed with PKK women regarding the benefits of telang flowers, how to process telang flowers into food products, and how market opportunities from processed telang flowers.

Dr Ahyar Ismail, as the supervising lecturer said, “The rich phytochemical content in telang flowers provides the potential for various health benefits that are rarely known by many people, one of the benefits of telang flowers is its ability as an antioxidant that can protect body cells from free radicals.”

Ai Susilawati, Chairperson of PKK RW 6 Benteng Village, said that the PKK women were enthusiastic to see how to make tea and jam from telang flowers. She said they had just learned that telang flowers can be made into tea and jam that are delicious for consumption and healthy.

“Thank you to the IPB University students who have educated us about making tea and jam from telang flowers. Hopefully, programs like this can be multiplied again because it will be very useful for all of us,” she said. (IAAS/Hap)