IPB University Professor Calls Integration of Culture and Science and Technology the Key to the Transformation of Maritime Civilization Towards Golden Indonesia 2045

IPB University Professor Calls Integration of Culture and Science and Technology the Key to the Transformation of Maritime Civilization Towards Golden Indonesia 2045

Guru Besar IPB University Sebut Integrasi Budaya dan Iptek Kunci Transformasi Peradaban Maritim Menuju Indonesia Emas 2045

Prof Dietriech G Bengen, Professor at IPB University from the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK) said the integration of maritime culture and science and technology (science and technology) will be the key in the process of transforming archipelago civilization towards Golden Indonesia 2045.

“The combination of maritime cultural wealth with the latest knowledge and technology in the maritime sector will provide benefits for sustainable development and progress of Indonesia as the largest archipelagic country,” he said at the National Seminar on Transformation of Maritime Civilization Towards Golden Indonesia 2045 at the Coordinating Ministry for Cultural Human Development (PMK) , recently.

According to him, the transformation of maritime civilization requires a cultural transformation of human resources (HR) who are able to apply science and technology in utilizing and managing marine resources and services in a sustainable manner.

The role of culture in maritime transformation towards Golden Indonesia 2045, he elaborated, there are four main keys. This role is a strong maritime cultural identity, preservation of local knowledge, community involvement and fostering creativity and innovation.

While the key of roles of science and technology include marine technology innovation and increased maritime economic competitiveness. “We must integrate science and technology and culture towards Golden Indonesia 2045, so there needs to be a strategic direction,” he continued.

According to Prof Dietriech, there are 10 integrative strategic directions between culture and science and technology. Among them are education and awareness of maritime culture, preservation and development of maritime culture, research and innovation in marine science and technology and cooperation between the government and the private sector. In addition to maritime infrastructure development, technical education and training, marine environment conservation, sustainable maritime economic development, human resource strengthening as well as supervision and law enforcement.

“The synergy between the roles of culture and science and technology in this transformation will have a positive impact on economic growth of at least six to seven percent,” he concluded. (MW/Rz) (IAAS/Res)