IPB University of Medicine Self Selection Results Announced, Here Are The Registrations Requirements

IPB University of Medicine Self Selection Results Announced, Here Are The Registrations Requirements

Hasil Seleksi Mandiri Fakultas Kedokteran IPB University Diumumkan, Ini Ketentuan Registrasinya

Medical Studies Program, Faculty of Medicine (FK) IPB University self-selection results were announced on Monday (14/8) 16.00 WIB. Participants can see the announcement on the official platform (registrasi.admisi.ipb.ac.id).

In this first year selection, 50 participants from a total 2.207 applicants for the IPB University self-selection path passed. They will be entitled to hold the status as prospective students of the FK IPB University as batch 60. The results of this self-selection come from the results of the online exam held on August 12, 2023.

Vice Rector of IPB University for Education and Student Affairs, Prof drh Deni Noviana congratulated the first batch of FK IPB University new students.

“IPB University is a university that has just accepted students of the Medical Studies Program, Faculty of Medicine for the first time with a total quota of 50 students. This year IPB University has the trust to contribute to producing doctors in Indonesia,” she explained.

She explained, FK IPB University has met the standards of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemdikbudristek) and the Institute for Self-Accreditation of Higher Education in Health (LAMPT-Kes). “Therefore, we are sure to carry out education as well as possible,” said Prof Deni.

Prospective new students of FK IPB University who have passed the selection are required to re-register on August 14-16, 2023. Students are also required to pay a single tuition payment (UKT) as well as institutional and facility development fees (BPIF). UKT and BPIF payments will be available for three days, August 14-16 2023.

Lectures for FK IPB University students will begin on August 21 2023. For further information and questions, please contact https://halo.admisi.ipb.ac.id. (Ns/Rz) (IAAS/ASB)