IPB University Accepts 194 Students of Merdeka Student Exchange Program

IPB University Accepts 194 Students of Merdeka Student Exchange Program

IPB University Terima 194 Mahasiswa Program Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka

IPB University received 194 students of the Batch 3 Independent Student Exchange Program (PMM) in 2023 at Andi Hakim Nasution Auditorium, Dramaga Campus, Bogor (17/8). PMM Batch 3 students consisted of 147 undergraduate students and 47 vocational students from universities across the country.

PMM is one of the flagship programs of Freedom of Learning – Independence Campus (MBKM) from the Ministry of Education, Culture Research and Technology (Kemdikbudristek) for student exchange channels between universities in the country with inter-island clusters.

In his speech, Rector of IPB University Prof Arif Satria said, the momentum to study at IPB University is a field to study. According to him, the more determination to study, the more knowledge will be obtained.

“Happiness is because we have family, friends and a good job. Your current opportunity is to strengthen friendship between universities. Hopefully IPB University can provide added value for your future self-development,” he said.

Coordinator of PMM Batch 3 IPB University, Dr Nurhayati said, the concept of this activity is the exchange of students so that they can attend lectures at the desired college. Then, students will follow the archipelago module activities with a weight of four semester credit units (SKS) from a total of 20 credits given.

“For the lecturers of the archipelago module, eight lecturers were selected and assisted by a liaison officer (LO). This is a special feature of the PMM program so that students from various regions get to know the diversity in the area where they study,” he said.

In addition, said Dr Nurhayati, they will also get inspiration from regional figures and broaden their horizons to strengthen the unity of the Indonesian nation.

One of the PMM participants from Cendrawasih University, Rahel, said that the PMM program is very good for students because it is a place to develop their abilities to learn more about diversity and appreciate inter-regional cultures.

“IPB University is a top 5 university in Indonesia. That is the reason for me to study and learn at one of the best campuses,” she explained. (dr/Rz) (IAAS/ARD)