IPB Mengajar Reunites Parents and Teachers in Edelweis XII Activity

IPB Mengajar Reunites Parents and Teachers in Edelweis XII Activity

IPB Mengajar Kembali Pertemukan Orang Tua dan Guru dalam Kegiatan Edelweis XII

IPB Mengajar through the Edelweis XII program brought together parents and teachers in one forum. This forum is organized to discuss the growth and development, ethics, obstacles and challenges of students during teaching and learning activities led by inspirational teachers, the IPB Mengajar team.

“The Parents and Teachers Forum (Fortu Forgu) was present again at Edelweis XII to build collaboration and teaching communication at Mahfudzul Hayatiyah Private Elementary School (SDS), Galudra Village, Cianjur, West Java,” said Faradisa, the person in charge of the program.

On that occasion, IPB Mengajar Management presented one of the educational figures in Galudra Village, namely Nurdin, SHI, SPdI. This effort was made as a collaborative step between IPB Mengajar, schools and the local community. This activity carries the concept of discussion between teachers, parents and inspirational teachers from each class.

“The urgency and essence of Fortu Forgu is to become a forum or mediator to establish communication between teachers and student guardians. In this discussion forum, several topics are discussed from the urgency of academic education and the character of SDS Mahfudzul Hayatiyah students to the obstacles faced by both teachers and parents in educating children,” said Faradisa.

She hoped that this forum would enable teachers and parents to share their children’s conditions at home and at school as well as provide solutions from different perspectives.

The Inspirational Teachers XII have conducted their teaching activities for approximately three weeks at SDS Mahfudzul Hayatiyah. In addition to teaching the material, the teachers also monitor every development and change that occurs during teaching and learning activities. In the discussion session, the IPB Teaching team conveyed the child’s development directly to the parents and provided advice and input so that students experienced improvement and good changes.

Reza Miftahul Ulum, Deputy Chief Executive of Edelweis XII, IPB Mengajar Management said, “This forum is very much needed to establish collaboration between parents and teachers. This forum must certainly be carried out regularly, not only today, but also the following days, it is necessary to monitor the development of children at school and at home.”

According to him, through Fortu Forgu, the IPB Mengajar team was able to bridge the two parties involved in the development of students at school. The meeting between teachers and parents is able to form collaboration between the two so that together they can observe all changes in students.

“This forum also jointly solves solutions to a problem in the teaching and learning activities of students at SDS Mahfudzul Hayatiyah,” he said. (*/Rz) (IAAS/SHY)