Instill the Spirit of Innovation in SLB Students, IPB University Students Introduce Prestigious Disabled Figures

Instill the Spirit of Innovation in SLB Students, IPB University Students Introduce Prestigious Disabled Figures

Tanamkan Semangat Berinovasi Siswa SLB, Mahasiswa IPB University Kenalkan Tokoh Difabel Prestatif

Several IPB University students joined the Tansana Team of the Student Creativity Program (PKM) and carried out educational activities with people with disabilities at Sekolah Luar Biasa (SLB) Cahaya Quran Bogor. The activity focused on instilling the spirit of students by introducing prestigious and inspiring disabled figures at the national level.
Some of the inspiring disabled figures introduced were the figure of the 4th Indonesian President Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) and Presidential Expert Staff as well as the Founder and CEO of Thisable Enterprise, Angkie Yudistia.
“Today’s activity went smoothly and was certainly fun for the participants with a very young age range,” said Mutia, a member of the Tansana organizing team.
In addition, the participants were also introduced to the Tansana mascots, Tansa and Nana. To make the atmosphere more festive, IPB University students also held a material review, games in the form of dream boxes containing the ideals of each participant, and ice breaking in the form of balloon relay and gymnastics together.
All students at SLB Cahaya Quran along with teachers and volunteers participated in this activity. They received information related to the struggle of each character, including their achievements and achievements.
According to Adrian, one of the SLB Cahaya Quran teachers, the enthusiasm of the students was very high towards the activities carried out by the Tansana Team. They requested that this activity take place in many meetings.
“Hopefully, this activity can provide new insights and examples for friends with disabilities to be able to continue to innovate and play a role for themselves and their surroundings,” he said.
Previously, in the same place, the Tansana Team also held a Smart Motivational Book Session in the disaster emergency response training program for people with disabilities. (*/Rz) (IAAS/TNY)