Himiteka IPB University Initiates Coastal Clean Up at Teluk Terima Beach

Himiteka IPB University Initiates Coastal Clean Up at Teluk Terima Beach

Himiteka IPB University Inisiasi Coastal Clean Up di Pantai Teluk Terima

The Marine Science and Technology Student Association of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (Himiteka) IPB University initiated a coastal clean-up activity in the Teluk Terima Beach area, Buleleng, Bali. This activity is one of the implementations of student community service to reduce the impact of plastic waste on marine ecosystems. At least more than 40 participants, consisting of students and education staff, took part in cleaning the beach from marine debris that can damage the ecosystem.

“This activity is our concrete step in an effort to preserve the marine environment. Marine debris, especially plastic, not only harms marine organisms, but human health is also affected. We want to motivate people to care more about the environment by familiarizing them with coastal clean-up activities,” said Muhammad Iqbal, MSi, Chair of the Student Commission of the Department of Marine Science and Technology, IPB University, who was also involved in the activity.

He continued, Armed with cleaning tools and big bags, we managed to collect plastic waste, rope nets, and various other marine waste. We also provided counseling on the negative impact of plastic on the sea and how to keep the beach and environment clean.

Friansyah, a student of IPB University as well as the Chairperson of the Committee, explained that coastal clean-up is a routine activity that we do as marine students if we visit or do activities in coastal areas. He emphasized that the importance of protecting the coastal environment is a common task, and as students, we voice this to the local community.

“Starting from socialization with junior high school children about the importance of reducing waste circulating in the coastal environment, this knowledge can be embedded into adulthood and even be able to remind households who still lack awareness of waste cleanliness,” said Friansyah.

Meanwhile, Ali Purwanto, Chair of the National Park Management Section of Region 1, felt greatly helped by the students’ initiative in cleaning the beach. He hopes that this beach cleaning activity will continue and involve the active participation of the community.

“We appreciate the enthusiasm of the students in initiating this activity, hopefully it can take place in any location where friends are active. This small step, if followed with consistency, can have a big impact on protecting the marine environment,” said Ali. (DIK/RAT/ra) (IAAS/MZS)