Himagreto IPB Turns Organic Waste Into Multipurpose Soap

Himagreto IPB Turns Organic Waste Into Multipurpose Soap

Himagreto IPB Sulap Limbah Organik Jadi Sabun Serbaguna

The Agrometeorology Student Professional Association (Himagreto) of the Department of Geophysics and Meteorology (GFM) of IPB University conducted training in making multipurpose soap based on Ecoenzym in Pulosari Village, Pangalengan District, Bandung Regency. This training is one of a series of Meteorological Observation Study (STORM) 2023 activities.

The Ecoenzym soap-making training aims to answer the waste problem, especially the abundant vegetable waste in Pulosari Village. Ecoenzyme soap can be used to wash hands, wash dishes, and wash clothes. Hopefully, with this training, Pulosari villagers can manage organic waste into products with economic value and as one of the efforts to mitigate climate change.

Berti, a student of IPB University who is also the organizer of the activity, revealed that this activity is expected to continue to be developed and become one way to utilize organic waste as well as a business idea for the community. The IPB University student also expressed her gratitude for the spirit and enthusiasm of the residents who remained active from the beginning to the end of the activity.

“The people of Pulosari Village participated in the Ecoenzyme soap training with enthusiasm so that the activity ran actively and optimally. Hopefully, this innovation can continue to be developed by residents and can be used as one of the business ideas in Pulosari Village,” said Berti.

According to her, efforts to improve the economy must be accompanied by environmental action, namely utilizing organic waste.

Meanwhile, Dadang, a representative of the training participants said that this training gave us new knowledge to try and develop further. “I have also tried the soap at home and it is very good for washing dishes because it gives a clean impression like dish soap usually does,” he said. (Spt/ra) (IAAS/TNY)