Halal Science Centre IPB University produces 100 Halal-certified MSMEs

Halal Science Centre IPB University produces 100 Halal-certified MSMEs

Halal Science Center IPB University Hasilkan 100 UMKM Bersertifikasi Halal

The mentoring programme by the Halal Science Center (HSC) IPB University is bearing fruit. More than 100 micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) now have halal certification. This was conveyed by the Head of HSC IPB University, Prof Khaswar Syamsu in a speech at Gebyar Halal 2023, (11/8).

“As a result of the assistance of IPB University lecturers and students, there are more than 100 MSMEs that are halal certified,” said Prof Khaswar in his remarks at the Gebyar Halal 2023 event at Andi Hakim Nasution Auditorium, IPB Dramaga Campus.

This activity was organised in collaboration between HSC IPB University, Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) and Alumni Association of Faculty of Animal Husbandry (Hunter) IPB University. He stated that HSC IPB University and BSI are committed to jointly developing the halal ecosystem.

Prof Khaswar Syamsu added, Gebyar Halal 2023 was held as well as the closing of the Freedom of Learning – Independence Campus (MBKM) course, where the programme is mentoring MSMEs in the halal field. This mentoring programme is driven by Law Number 33 of 2011 which requires all business actors whose products will be circulated and marketed in Indonesia to have a halal certificate (except for haram products). This obligation also applies to MSMEs, the deadline is 17 October 2024.

“For large industries, this regulation is not a big problem. However, making halal certificates is not easy for MSMEs. Technical guidance is needed. Therefore, HSC IPB University is here to provide assistance to them,” he said.

For IPB University, said Prof Khaswar, this assistance is a form of service. While for students it is an MBKM programme. “We train lecturers and students to be the spearhead in providing guidance to get halal certificates for MSMEs,” he continued.

He further said that the guidance given to MSMEs was not only halal aspects. It is also related to food safety, hygiene and economic management. MSME players are also taught digital marketing to expand their market share.

Support for the halal ecosystem was also conveyed by Ike Trisnawati, Area Manager of BSI Bogor. Ike said that her party always supports the development of strengthening the progress of Indonesia’s halal ecosystem. “We always focus on the Islamic Ecosystem, one of which is the halal industry sector,” she said.

According to her, the halal industry is a potential sector. Based on data from the Global State Islamic Economic Report, the investment value of the halal industry reached 6.3 billion US dollars. With the success of the halal certification programme, a comprehensive halal ecosystem will be created, not only products but also halal transactions. “So that Indonesia can become the world’s halal centre,” he said.

Dr Novian Darmawan, Secretary of HSC IPB University when reporting MBKM activities conveyed that the Halal Science Center IPB has become a registered Halal Assistance institution at the Halal Product Guarantee Agency (BPJPH).

“We have carried out mentoring activities for halal certification as many as 316 assistants. And there have been 1,200 halal certificates from business actors who have been assisted by HSC IPB University,” he explained.

In addition, mentoring contributes significantly to the development of MSMEs by providing halal certification facilities. The activity which is part of MBKM is carried out for three months involving 115 students from 8 faculties.

“We are also proud that HSC as one of the youngest study centres at IPB University, shows a proud performance with extraordinary output. Through the MBKM programme, students can learn to be mentors. Extraordinarily useful. Hopefully the collaboration between HSC IPB University, BSI and Hunter will continue, IPB University will continue to support,” said Vice Rector for Research, Innovation and Agromaritime Development, Prof Ernan Rustiadi. (dh/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)