GHA-OHCC IPB University Held Class Training Batch I

GHA-OHCC IPB University Held Class Training Batch I

GHA-OHCC IPB University Selenggarakan Class Training Batch I

Global Health Agromaritime-One Health Collaborating Center (GHA-OHCC) IPB University held a Class Training for students who are members of the One Health Student Club (OHSC) Batch I. The activity carried the theme ‘Tips and Tricks on Drafting Proposals and Budgeting’ as a preparation for students to carry out student project.

This activity was a closing series of OHSC IPB University Batch I. As many as 27 participants took part in this activity, 15 of whom were members of OHSC IPB Batch I who came from various faculties/schools such as the School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (SKHB), Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM), Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK) and Faculty of Animal Science.

The activity was opened by Prof drh Srihadi Agungpriyono as the Coordinator of GHA-OHCC IPB University and Dr drh Joko Pamungkas, Vice Coordinator of the Indonesia One Health University Network (Indohun).

“The preparation of proposals and budgets is very important in a project design. Not only for the benefit of student projects, this knowledge will definitely be useful for students when they are in the world of work later,” said Prof Srihadi in his remarks.

According to Dr Joko, OHSC student project planning can be used to implement the one health concept through community service.

“OHSC students who have studied the concept of one health need to create a project that is collaborative in nature so that capacity building in various sectors can be realized. Therefore, through this activity students as young people are prepared to improve the 4K, namely collaboration, communication, coordination and capacity building,” explained Dr Joko.

This event featured two speakers from OHCC Udayana. The first source person was Ni Komang Semara Yanti, SKM, MPH as the Udayana OHCC Program Development Manager who presented the material ‘Tips and Tricks on Drafting Proposals’. Ni Komang explained about the preparation, basic elements and components of a good proposal.

Furthermore, the second resource person was Ni Putu Shinta Dewi, SKM, MKes, Finance Officer from OHCC Udayana. In this activity he explained the material ‘Tips and Tricks on Budgeting’. In her presentation, Ni Putu explained the types and components of the draft budget as well as the correct form of reports on the use of funds.

The activity continued with the practice of OHSC students to design proposals and budgeting and closed with a presentation session by students and feedback from the speakers. (AP/Rz) (IAAS/YMK)