FEM IPB University Holds National Seminar on Optimization of Islamic Economy in Facing Global Economic Uncertainty

FEM IPB University Holds National Seminar on Optimization of Islamic Economy in Facing Global Economic Uncertainty

FEM IPB University Gelar Seminar Nasional Optimalisasi Ekonomi Syariah dalam Menghadapi Ketidakpastian Perekonomian Global

Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM) IPB University was trusted to host a national seminar related to the optimization of Islamic economics in facing global economic uncertainty. The seminar, which was held at the FEM Auditorium, was successfully held on Saturday (26/8).

In his speech, Dean of FEM IPB University Dr Irfan Syauqi Beik revealed four moments that marked this national seminar. First is the 60th Anniversary of IPB University on September 1, 2023. Then commemorating the 15th anniversary of the State Sharia Securities (SBSN).

“The third is the moment of strengthening waqf. Currently, IPB University is a campus that is concerned with strengthening waqf in Indonesia. I think the commitment of the leadership of IPB University to waqf is really extraordinary,” said Dr Irfan.

The fourth is the strengthening of education and literacy in the field of economics and management through the Iqtishodia rubric in Republika. Dr Irfan said that the Iqtishodia section has been published for 13 years. Even as of June 2023, this rubric was expanded to all departments at FEM IPB University, so that the content does not only discuss Islamic economics.

“Hopefully this is a form of economic and management education to the public that brilliant thoughts and ideas are not only for academic consumption, but also for public consumption,” he explained.

Meanwhile, Vice Rector of IPB University for Resource and Infrastructure Resilience, Dr Alim Setiawan Slamet expressed his pride that FEM IPB University hosted the national seminar. According to him, this activity is very meaningful for the nation’s journey ahead, especially in optimizing the development of a sustainable Islamic economy.

“Hopefully this seminar can be a sharing of ideas, experiences and can provide information to students related to the role of Islamic economics, SBSN and waqf in advancing development in Indonesia,” hoped Dr Alim.

On the same occasion, Dr Alim also appreciated the role of SBSN which has had many positive impacts in financing sustainable development and strengthening the Islamic economy. Moreover, the role of SBSN has also been felt by IPB University.

“Alhamdulillah, IPB University has been given the trust since 2018 for several programs assisted by SBSN, both from the construction of the FEM Auditorium building and the construction of the research lab,” he explained.

“Also to our pride, SBSN is very important in financing to build the Science Techno Park (STP) which is the spearhead in achieving the vision of IPB University to become a Techno Sociopreneur University,” continued Dr Alim. (MHT/Rz) (IAAS/Hap)