FBBN IPB University Organized National Seminar on Horticultural Technopreneurship

The Committee of Flower and Fruit Festival Nusantara (FBBN) IPB University held a national seminar with the theme ‘Technopreneurship Horticulture’. This activity is a series of events from FBBN whose peak will be held in September.
“This event is an annual event organized by the FBBN committee every year,” said the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture of IPB University, Prof Suryo Wiyono during his speech at Hadiwijaya Auditorium (19/8) to the participants who attended from various circles.
The seminar presented the Director of Fruit and Floriculture of the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan), Dr Liferdi Lukman as the keynote speaker. This activity also invited IPB University academics, Dr Emmy Darmawati and Director of Pelita Desa Nursery, Imam Fauzi and Welly Soegiono, Director of Great Giant Pineapple (GGP) as talk show speakers.
The seminar theme presented this year is expected to help micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), especially horticulture, in facing global market competition. As stated by Welly Soegiono, Director of GGP that in the world of horticulture, the main point that must be considered is market access, after that the potential of the plant.
“However, horticultural products, especially fruit, have a very short shelf life, causing problems in distribution and marketing,” said Director of Fruit and Floriculture, Dr Liferdi Lukman.
Responding to this, Dr Emmy Darmawati said that appropriate post-harvest handling efforts are needed for each commodity so that the shelf life can be extended.
In addition to the market, another aspect that needs to be considered in the horticultural business world, especially in export-import activities, is the existence of agencies (intermediaries). According to Imam Fauzi, Director of Pelita Desa Nursery, the existence of an agency makes customers buy back their products so that it can increase the company’s sales. (*/Rz) (IAAS/MKY)