Faperta IPB University and IALI Agreed to Cooperate in Publishing Indonesian Landscape Journal

Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture (Faperta) IPB University, Prof Suryo Wiyono signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Chairman of the Indonesian Landscape Architects Association (IALI) Dian Heri Sofian, MT regarding the publication of the Indonesian Landscape Journal (JLI). The signing was carried out in the Dean’s Conference Room of Faperta IPB University (8/8), accompanied by Dr Akhmad Arifin Hadi as Chair of the Department of Landscape Architecture (ARL) and Dr Kaswanto as Chair of the JLI Board of Editors.
“This signing marks a common view on the importance of developing cooperation between the academic world and the professional world. Collaboration that is increasingly built through various forms and media activities as it has been going on is expected to produce more tangible contributions in the development of science and the field of landscape architecture profession,” said Dian Heri Sofian when asked about the urgency of this MoU after signing.
Dian hopes that the great intersection between academia and the profession through the development of JLI can further minimize the distance between the two. Thus, in the end, the application of science and theory to activities in the field or in professional practice will further enrich the works of landscape architecture in Indonesia, and vice versa.
“Hopefully, through the signing of this MoU, cooperation between IALI and stakeholders in the field of landscape architecture education in general can be further developed,” he said when asked about his expectations from the MoU signing.
Meanwhile, Dr Akhmad Arifin Hadi as the Head of the Department of ARL IPB University said that JLI is a reputable journal accredited by Science and Technology Index (Sinta) 3. JLI is published jointly between the Department of ARL IPB University and the IALI landscape architect professional organization.
“We are very proud to collaborate with IALI in publishing JLI. This is because the field of landscape architecture is an applied science that often gets input from professionals who apply landscape architecture in the field. This can be seen from the JLI articles, some of which also come from reports or lessons learned of landscape development and management by professionals in the field, besides of course articles from research results from researchers or academics.”
Dr Akhmad also expressed his hope regarding the extension of this MoU. “Hopefully, it will further enrich the repertoire of landscape architecture scientific development in terms of research and professional application of landscape architects contained in each volume published by JLI.”
Dr Kaswanto, as Chairman of the JLI Board of Editors, said, “Reputable national journals are always required to collaborate with professional associations. For JLI, of course, the professional association is IALI. This requirement aims to ensure that the scientific articles produced can be utilized as well as possible by professional colleagues based on the results of good and correct research and scientific studies.”
He further explained, “The extension of the MoU signing is also one of the timeline milestones that further emphasizes JLI’s position as a leading journal nationally and able to compete globally,” said Dr Kaswanto straightforwardly. (*/Rz) (IAAS/NVA)