Dr Akhmad Arifin Hadi: One Year of Work, IPB University Landscape Architecture Graduates Get IALI Certification of Expertise

Chairman of the Department of Landscape Architecture (ARL), Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University, Dr Akhmad Arifin Hadi, said that the accreditation process of the IPB University Landscape Architecture Study Program follows the educational standards of the International Federation of Landscape Architects-Asia Pacific Region (IFLA-APR). This is because graduates of ARL IPB University after one year of work will get a landscape architect expertise certification from the Indonesian Landscape Architects Association (IALI).
This was revealed in the International Accreditation Visitation activity of the Landscape Architecture Undergraduate Program, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University. According to Dr Akhmad, IALI is based on IFLA-APR and has education and academic affairs standards in terms of organizing education.
“After receiving certification of expertise, they will easily get large-scale projects depending on the level. For example, in the National Capital City (IKN) of the archipelago there are graduates of ARL IPB University with intermediate expertise certification. So it is appropriate for the ARL IPB University Study Program to align itself to IFLA-APR to increase the quality of our graduates,” he said.
Meanwhile, IFLA-APR Assessor, Prof Mike Barthelmeh said, specific recommendations must continue to be strengthened, especially the design process, design graphics and design outcomes.
“After that can be fulfilled, the accreditation of IPB University’s Landscape Architecture Undergraduate Program will have an international position equivalent to graduates from France, Japan, Malaysia or New Zealand who come from the same program,” he said.
IALI assessor, Dr Budi Faisal, revealed that at the point of curriculum and facilities, IFLA-APR supports the separation of the planning division and the design division. For him, this will have consequences for the curriculum that are not easy because it requires a division merger.
“For global standards, a strong curriculum is needed. The competency curriculum here is very strong, especially in the fields of design, ecology, soil science and plant protection. Research and design competencies must continue to be strengthened so that the core competencies of graduates can be extraordinary. The outdoor space area must also be increased, starting from the botanical garden or a kind of natural laboratory,” he said. (dr/Rz) (IAAS/Hap)