Developing Village Potentials, PPKO Himasilkan IPB University Team Demonstrates The Processing of Catfish Product

Developing Village Potentials, PPKO Himasilkan IPB University Team Demonstrates The Processing of Catfish Product

Kembangkan Potensi Desa, Tim PPKO Himasilkan IPB University Lakukan Demonstrasi Pengolahan Produk Ikan Lele

Team of Student Organization Capacity Strengthening Program (PPK Ormawa) of Fishery Product Technology Student Association (Himasilkan) IPB University held a demonstration of catfish product diversification into dimsum and pempek which was held in Rancabungur Village, Bogor, West Java.

The product processing demonstration activity involved mothers in Rancabungur Village, which consisted of several RWs. According to Yuli, a resident of RW 10, the demonstration activity of making pempek and dimsum from catfish could be an excellent product in Rancabungur Village.

“The product demonstration event went smoothly and was useful for mothers and easy to practice so that later it can become another superior product,” said Yuli during the demonstration, some time ago.

Annisa Rahmadanti, the General Secretary of Himasilkan IPB University, stated that this catfish processing activity is highly advantageous for the potential in Rancabungur Village. This is due to the fact that raw materials in the form of catfish are fairly easy to obtain. Furthermore, a Women Farmers Group (KWT) has been involved in the processing and marketing of products.

“The women in the demonstration had a high and active enthusiasm. The potential for making this product lies in the fact that the raw material for catfish is easily accessible and affordable,” as stated by Annisa.

According to her, the demonstration of processing catfish into pempek and dimsum is very useful for the women of Rancabungur Village, because there are still relatively few who know how to make pempek and dimsum. “Moreover, the use of abundant catfish with prices that tend to be inexpensive can be used as an added value in the supply of raw materials,” she said. (IAAS/ASB)