IPTP Department of IPB University Starts Building Digital Learning Construction

IPTP Department of IPB University Starts Building Digital Learning Construction

Departemen IPTP IPB University Mulai Membangun Konstruksi Pembelajaran Digital

The Department of Animal Production and Technology (IPTP), Faculty of Animal Science of IPB University held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) ‘Implementation of Digital Learning Development and Implementation (P3D) of Broiler Ruminant Design Course’, Saturday (5/8) at Royal Padjadjaran Hotel. This activity is a follow-up to the selection of the course as the only representative of IPB University in the 2023 P3D Assistance Programme held by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemdikbudristek).

In his speech, the Vice Rector of IPB University for Education and Student Affairs, Prof drh Deni Noviana said, currently the ability to quickly respond to the development and needs of the times is needed. Therefore, the transformation of digital teaching system development is needed as an effort to provide wider access.

“That way, it is hoped that this digital teaching system can be accessed internationally. In addition, this digital teaching system is also expected to be able to develop to the immersive learning stage,” he said.

P3D Programme proponent and Coordinator of the Broiler Ruminant Livestock Design Course, Dr Bramada Winiar Putra at that moment said that animal science in the perspective of society in general is still considered a conservative field of work and education. This is a big challenge for animal science education.

“So far, animal husbandry is still perceived as industry and society 2.0 with the basic characteristics of agriculture. In the future, animal husbandry should not only be able to adapt, but must be able to transform in synergy in the era of industry 4.0 and society 5.0,” he said.

He explained that his P3D concept is designed with a three-dimensional farm design. With the support of a land mapping system and precise technical coefficients, the concept is expected to contribute to the development of the livestock industry in Indonesia.

Buce Darmawan, SKom, MTI explained that the leap of learning in the field of animal science into society 5.0 learning must be able to characterise the development of digital information. The digital learning function can be utilised as a communication tool, information access tool and education and training tool. Important points in society 5.0 learning are strengthening character education; broad literacy access capabilities; creative, critical thinking, communicative and collaborative (4C); and higher order thinking skills (HOTS).

It is hoped that the implementation of the P3D grant for the Broiler Ruminant Design Course can be a breakthrough step, not only for the IPTP Department but also for the Faculty of Animal Science to all faculties at IPB University as a motivation for developing a digital learning system. (*/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)