BEM FEM IPB University Brings Nine Literacy Corners to Smart Village through PPK Ormawa

BEM FEM IPB University Brings Nine Literacy Corners to Smart Village through PPK Ormawa

BEM FEM IPB University Bawa Sembilan Pojok Literasi Desa Cerdas Lewat PPK Ormawa

As a continuation of the previous year’s service program themed ‘Smart Village’, the Student Executive Board, Faculty of Economics and Management (BEM FEM) IPB University this year brought nine literacy corners in Cihideung Ilir Village, Bogor Regency, West Java. The literacy corners cover the fields of environment, health, education and economy that are guided in solving the village’s SDGs problems.

Felisha Najla Adevia, a student representative of IPB University, one of the team members explained, the nine literacy corners include Cerdas Peduli Kesehatan (FAST), Cerdas Bersih Upaya Lestari (CEBUR), Cerdas Tanggap Sehat (CEGAH) Cerdas Terampil Matematika (CERMAT), Cerdas Digital Marketing (CERDIK), Cerdas Mengimani Al-Qur’an (CERIA), Cerdas Manajerial Penguatan Ekonomi Desa (CEMPAKA), Cerdas Olah Limbah Kain Perca (CERCAH), Cerdas Memelihara Kelestarian (CEMARA). IPB University students also formed the institution ‘Kampung Endah Lestari’ as an effort towards Smart Village, Cihideung Ilir Village.

Through the Workshop II activity, PPK Ormawa BEM FEM introduced the work program to the village, target group, partners and stakeholders. The implementation of PPK Ormawa activities was welcomed by various parties, one of which was from SDN Cihideung Ilir 06. Nimatul as a teacher of SDN Cihideung Ilir 06 hopes that children will be more enthusiastic in teaching and learning activities with the PPK Ormawa BEM FEM IPB University program this year.

“We hope that the program that has been prepared by the PPK Ormawa BEM FEM IPB University team can be useful for children. Hopefully with this program the children can be more enthusiastic in reading and learning,” she said.

Last year, the PPK Ormawa BEM FEM IPB University team successfully built a library at SDN Cihideung Ilir 04. Rohaeti as the Principal of SDN Cihideung Ilir 04 expressed her gratitude for the library construction.

“Last year, a library was built and thank God it can be used by the children. They have a place to read and learn together. Hopefully this year’s program can run successfully and benefit everyone,” she explained.

This workshop activity is the first step of cooperation between the PPK Ormawa BEM FEM IPB University team and a number of stakeholders to support the implementation of the Kampung Endah Lestari Smart Village program based on the Village SDGs. (*/Rz) (IAAS/Hap)