61 Students Prepare to Participate in MBKM One Village One CEO on Kalimantan Island

As many as 61 IPB University students were selected to take part in the Sociopreneur One Village One CEO (OVOC) Sociopreneur One Village One CEO (MBKM) program. Before field activities, students are provided with training through workshops and coaching from expert lecturers as well as bootcamp activities at the Agribusiness and Technology Park. The students will be placed as facilitators in three different districts, namely East Barito Regency, Central Kalimantan and Balangan Regency and Tabalong Regency, South Kalimantan.
The series of bootcamp activities include training, pitching project plans, and outbound. Bootcamp is a place for introduction and learning for OVOC participants before going directly to the field. In this case, participants received lessons about leadership, design thinking, and community development.
Ir Wahono from the Farmers and Fishermen Center of IPB University explained, facilitators have different roles from teachers, there are many special things that participants need to learn when dealing with the community. He stressed, not only imparting knowledge, but facilitators must be able to listen and learn directly from the community.
“Facilitators are also required to be able to think critically about existing problems and be responsive in solving existing problems armed with knowledge,” said Ir Wahono in a training session.
The participants were also provided with knowledge about survival and various methods to overcome obstacles in nature. This was conveyed by Foresters who Love Nature (Rimpala), namely Galih Tectona and Lorenzo Elton Meo. This provision is important considering that readiness must be formed in any field to avoid unwanted things.
After receiving the training, the participants were given time to submit plans for the development of innovative products in each region according to the predetermined commodities. Another series is in the form of an outbound which trains the participants to form a spirit of leadership, problem solving, teamwork, and empathy. Outbound is carried out through various games with a certain essence, so that it is not only an exciting game but also the application of the four different essences.
Dr. Handian Purwawangsa, Director of Agromaritim Community Development, said that the OVOC program is expected to continue to provide opportunities for students to convey the knowledge they have gained while studying at IPB University. On the same occasion, he said, the community could be helped by the presence of OVOC and assistance from IPB University expert lecturers. (*/ra) (IAAS/AMR).