IPB University Holds Socialization of Administrative Services for Civil Servants Karsu/Karis

IPB University Holds Socialization of Administrative Services for Civil Servants Karsu/Karis


IPB University through the Directorate of Human Resources (HR) in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemdikbudristek) held the Socialization of Administrative Services for Personnel Administration Services for Husband Card (Karsu) / Wife Card (Karis) as the Identity of Spouses of Civil Servants (PNS), (24/7). There were 298 participants who participated, consisting of lecturers and education personnel (tendik) PNS faculties and schools at IPB University online.

Director of Human Resources of IPB University, Dr Heti Mulyati revealed that this socialization was an activity motivated by several cases, including the obstruction of the employee's retirement process because they did not have Karsu/Karis, or even some were abandoned by their spouses.

"Karsu/Karis for civil servants has been regulated in Government Regulation (PP) Number 83. Then also in the Circular Letter of the State Personnel Agency (BKN) which requires that every civil servant who is legally married must already have a Karsu/Karis," said Dr Heti.

In addition, she said, at IPB University Karsu/Karis is usually given after employees follow the basic training (latsar) pre-service. "This has become the right of the employees when they have followed the pre-service," she explained.

Vice Rector of IPB University in the field of Resource Resilience and Infrastructure, Dr Alim Setiawan Slamet who was also present at the activity said, this socialization was a useful activity that must be known and understood together by civil servants in the environment of IPB University.

On that occasion, he also announced that in order to increase employee productivity and work-life balance, IPB University would organize joint sports as a form of healthy lifestyle.

healthy lifestyles every Friday starting at 07.00-09.30 WIB.

"Every Friday in the morning there will be empty time, no academic activities, meeting activities or other office activities. With this, IPB University utilizes this time to exercise together in order to make performance increase," he said.

Tegar Restu Kusuma, HR Bureau of Kemdikbudristek said, a civil servant, both male and female, if they have carried out a legal marriage, must report their marital status to the unit that carries out the personnel function.

Karsu/Karis can be given to an employee's spouse if the employee concerned has a legal spouse, proven by a Marriage Certificate issued by the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA) and is officially a civil servant. The employee concerned proposes the issuance of Karsu/Karis and completes the Karsu/Karis proposal requirements file. (Ns/Rz) (IAAS/Arid)

The Karsu/Karis proposal requirements include:

1. Family register of civil servants

2. Certified copy of marriage certificate

3. First marriage report

4. Spouse's 2×3 passport (two sheets) 4.