IPB University Graduate School Holds Curriculum Workshop for By Research Program

IPB University Graduate School Holds Curriculum Workshop for By Research Program


The Postgraduate School (SPs) of IPB University held a curriculum workshop for the research program at Balairung Abdul Muis Nasution, Darmaga Campus of IPB University (20/7). The purpose of this workshop was to monitor and evaluate (monev) and review the curriculum of the research program.

The workshop was attended by the Vice-Rector of IPB University in the field of Resource Resilience and Infrastructure, the Dean of SPs, Vice Deans for Academic and Student Affairs of all faculties and schools, Vice Deans for Resources, Cooperation and Development of SPs, SPs Commission, all heads of departments and Heads of Master and Doctoral Study Programs of SPs.

The event was opened by Dr Alim Setiawan Slamet, Vice Rector of IPB University in the field of Resource Resilience and Infrastructure. Dr Alim said that this workshop is very much in line with the mission of IPB University, where research is the main driver.

"This workshop is our effort to continue to mobilize research cooperation, both nationally and internationally, and will also be an option for many prospective students to study at IPB University, one of which is through the path of research," he said.

Prof Dodik Ridho Nurrochmat, Dean of SPs IPB University said that this workshop discussed the curriculum for the research program so that it could be adjusted to current conditions. "In this workshop forum, we will accommodate aspirations to provide input and views related to the by-research program curriculum as long as it does not conflict with existing regulations," he said.

He added that in the future, SPs IPB University can open opportunities for anyone who has a different background to be able to continue their studies at IPB University. "The teaching and learning process can be given very high flexibility according to the conditions of the field of science, the conditions of each student, the location conditions, and so on. However, our learning outcomes (LO) must be strict," explained Prof Dodik.

Meanwhile, Prof Agus Buono, Vice Dean of SPs IPB University for Academic and Student Affairs gave an introduction to the discussion related to the curriculum workshop for the program by research at SPs IPB University. He said, there were several adjustments to the standard operating procedures (SOP) of SPs IPB University in the workshop discussion, one of which was related to the selection of new student admissions, the application of supervisory commissions, doctoral program qualification exams, academic leave, provisions and assessment of scientific publications and others.

"The curriculum for the program by research has been carried out since the Even Semester of the 2018/2019 Academic Year, but currently there has been no monev. Therefore, we will adjust the input from the results of the by-research program workshop to the academic SOP of SPs IPB University," he said. (HBL/Rz) (IAAS/TNY)