Implementing a Sustainable Agriculture System, IPB University Students Reactivated the Banyuresmi Village Green House

Implementing a Sustainable Agriculture System, IPB University Students Reactivated the Banyuresmi Village Green House


IPB University students who are taking the Innovation Real-Thematic Work Lecture (KKN-T) in Banyuresmi Village, Bogor Regency reactivated the village greenhouse by implementing an aquaponic sustainable farming system, a combination of aquaculture and hydroponics.

“Aquaponics produces two products at once, those are fish and plants. This system also has advantages in terms of efficient use of water, because the water in the system can be used repeatedly. In addition, this system allows people to produce their own fresh food independently in an environmentally friendly way," said one of the Innovation Real-Thematic Work Lecture student representatives.

In an aquaponic system, water containing fish waste is used as a source of nutrition for plants. The polluted water then flows through a hydroponic system, where plant roots absorb nutrients from the water. In this process, plants naturally clean the water from fish waste by absorbing the nutrients contained in it.

In addition, the bacteria that live in the aquaponic system also play an important role. These bacteria convert the ammonia produced by fish into nitrates which are useful as nutrients for plants. During this cycle, water returns to the fish tank in a better quality after being treated by plants and bacteria.

The Village Secretary, Rizki Abdilah hopes that one of IPB University's Innovation Real-Thematic Work Lecture programs can continue even though the students have left Banyuresmi Village. In implementing this aquaponics, students invite cadres to participate and at the same time teach village cadres so that they can be applied in their respective homes, considering the potential for aquaponics or hydroponics to provide benefits to village communities.

The greenhouse in which there is hydroponics was built several years ago by previous Thematic Real Work Lecture students. However, his activities had stopped because there was nothing to continue. The village government has taken the initiative to renew the greenhouse, which was a wooden building now a white iron building.

Together with the village community, IPB University Innovation KKN-T students innovated for the greenhouse so that it could run again by building aquaponics. After aquaponics is complete, the village government will appoint a person in charge so that the greenhouse can continue to run and can become an example for households to follow in Banyuresmi Village. (IAAS/BLA)