Faculty of Agriculture IPB University Received a Visit from Students of Stella Maris College, Netherlands

The Department of Landscape Architecture (ARL), Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University received a visit from students of Stella Maris College, Valkenburg, Netherlands under the DeTara Foundation. The visit was conducted on Friday, (21/7) at ARL Indoor Garden, IPB Dramaga Campus, Bogor.
The visit was conducted to provide an overview for participants about the active role of IPB University in the field of sustainable landscape management about the achievement of sustainable development goals (SDGs) in Indonesia which also encourages the active role of the younger generation in Indonesia. Participants who took part in the visit consisted of 25 students, four teachers, and one doctor.
DeTara Foundation collaborates with Stichting Global Exploration (SGE) from the Netherlands in organizing the Global Exploration program in Indonesia. This year, the Global Exploration Program in Indonesia will be held through various activities, one of which is a visit to the ARL Department of IPB University.
Dr Akhmad Arifin Hadi, Chairman of the Department of ARL IPB University warmly welcomed the arrival of the students. He also explained some material about landscape architecture.
"Welcome to the ARL Indoor Garden, one of the facilities owned by the Department of ARL IPB University. The Faculty of Agriculture has five study programs, one of which is Landscape Architecture which already has international accreditation from the International Federation of Landscape Architects," he said.
He explained that the Department of ARL IPB University has three divisions namely landscape design planning, landscape management, and plants and greenery. The ARL Indoor Garden is used for practicum classes and all the plants here are maintained by the students.
"We aim to produce graduates who excel in producing innovative work in the field of landscape planning, design, and management that is adaptive to the development of science and technology (science and technology) to answer future challenges. Graduates are also expected to contribute significantly in improving achievements at the global level with the main competence in the field of sustainable tropical landscapes," he explained.
Meyvi, one of the students of Stella Maris College said that the facilities owned by the ARL Department of IPB University, namely the ARL Indoor Garden, were very useful.
"I think the Indoor Garden is a beautiful place and very comfortable to study with lecturers. The explanation about the Department of ARL IPB University is also interesting and many people welcome our arrival here," she said.
English teacher of Stella Maris College, Riana said that their visit to IPB University aimed to explore various sustainable environmental education activities, especially in agriculture. For her, IPB University is a very interesting campus.
"We can bring the useful knowledge we get here to be brought and applied to our hometown. I appreciate the students and lecturers who have allowed us to visit this place," he said. (Lp/Rz) (IAAS/TNY)