DPM FEM IPB University Holds Soft Launching of Smart Agriculture Village in Benteng Village, Supported by the Agricultural Library of the Ministry of Agriculture
The spirit of innovation and collaboration in the agricultural sector is thriving in Benteng Village, Bogor, West Java, with the successful event of the Soft Launching of the Smart Agriculture Village. This activity is a continuation of the agricultural socialization previously organized by the Student Organization Capacity Enhancement Program (PPK Ormawa) of the Student Council of the Faculty of Economics and Management (DPM FEM) at IPB University.
Sagita Salsabila, a representative of the PPK Ormawa team from DPM FEM IPB University, stated that the Soft Launching of the Smart Agriculture Village is part of their commitment to optimizing the productivity of the rural community through 6 agricultural literacy corners.
These six programs consist of the School of Agricultural Production and Management (SPONTAN), the School of Ornamental Plant Maintenance Training (SELARAS), the School of Livestock Maintenance (SEPEKAN), the School of Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Commodity Maintenance (SEPAKAT), the Financial Literacy Training School (SPESIAL), and the Corner Literacy Cadre School (SEJOLI).
The event was attended by the chairperson of RT, chairperson of RW, karang taruna, farmer groups, village officials, as well as Dr Ahyar Ismail as lecturer that accompanied the PPK Ormawa team from DPM FEM IPB University. Sagita stated that the presence of speakers from the Agricultural Library (Pustaka) of the Ministry of Agriculture, namely Ir Eka Kusmayadi, MHum, and Ir Juznia Andriany, MHum, made the event even more special.
"The support from the Agricultural Library of the Ministry of Agriculture enriches the insights and knowledge shared with the rural community," Sagita continued during the event held at the Benteng Village Hall, not long ago.
Eka Kusmayadi shared perspectives and follow-up plans that inspired the community in Benteng Village. "The foundation of agricultural literacy development must originate from the agricultural village itself, so the key factors in implementing agricultural literacy are skilled individuals, smart villages, and literate communities," he said during the presentation session.
In the subsequent presentation, Juznia Andriany mentioned that reading corners do not always have to be in the form of buildings, they can also be provided in the form of intelligent collections (kolocer) as library facilities accessible to the community. Additionally, she highlighted the importance of sharing knowledge and resources to develop agricultural literacy and library facilities for the community of Benteng Village. "Blessings will be obtained when we share," she added. (*/Rz) (IAAS/DSR)