Students of Master of Management and Business IPB University Widyawisata to Malaysia

Students of Master of Management and Business IPB University Widyawisata to Malaysia

Student Insight EN

IPB University students from the Master of Management and Business Program accompanied by lecturers and education staff (tendik) conducted a field trip to Malaysia, some time ago. Lecturers of the School of Business (SB) IPB University involved were Dr Idqan Fahmi and Hapriza Aprilia, SHut.

"Titled Achieving #IPBnesian who is critical, innovative, creative, problem-solving and competitive in the global industry', this field trip is part of the Capita Selecta Business and Management Course. The aim, among others, is to increase student exposure to various business and management practices at the global level," said Dr Idqan.

The locations of the field trip activities of IPB University students include Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Kumpulan Media Karangkraf and the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (KBRI) Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. IPB University students also held a city tour and cultural exchange to Dataran Merdeka, Twin Tower, Central Market, Goa Batu, Putra Jaya and several business centers in Malaysia.

"We had a discussion with Karangkraf Founder Dato Dr Hussamuddin Haji Yaacub and met Adjung Datuk Dr Hj Mohd Na'im Hj Mokhtar, Minister of Religious Affairs of Malaysia. At UTM, we had a discussion with Mr Izham Ismail, Director Digital Investment Relations Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) and Mr Ahmad Kamil bin Khusairi as Chief Executive Office UTM Holdings Sdn Bhd.

During the visit to the Indonesian Embassy in Malaysia, the students were welcomed by the Education and Culture Attaché (Atdikbud) Kuala Lumpur, Prof Muhammad Firdaus. The students enthusiastically discussed Indonesia-Malaysia economic relations and studying in Malaysia. In between visits, Prof Muhammad Firdaus, who is also a Professor of IPB University, directly asked Dr Idqan Fahmi to be the khatib and imam of Friday prayers at the Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur.

"SB IPB University students by participating in this activity are expected to be able to enrich insights and global scale business practices. At the same time, the field trip also expands the network and cooperation of students who are mostly executives and business people with business and educational partners in the destination country," hoped Prof Idqan. (IAAS/DSR)