Started from Ngopi, PPK Ormawa Himakua IPB University Invited Purwasari Residents to Head to Tilapia Fish Center Village

IPB University students who are members of the Student Organization Capacity Strengthening Program (PPK Ormawa) team of the Aquaculture Student Association (Himakua), Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK) held a 'Ngopi' discussion with residents of Purwasari Village, Bogor, West Java. This activity was carried out with the IPB University Service of Community Student Creativity Program (PKM PM) team.
Ngopi or Ngobrolin Purwasari (Talk about Purwasari Village) is a term for casual conversation between IPB University students and villagers regarding the sustainability of tilapia development. This is because one of the mains fishery commodities in Purwasari Village is red tilapia.
Previously, Himakua had socialized the application of sex reversal technology to residents of Purwasari Village. However, the implementation still encounters obstacles.
"The lack of optimum productivity of the hatchery is a scourge of problems in this village. For this reason, we are carrying out a smart farming program through the application of semi-automatic incubator technology as an alternative solution," said Surya Baskara, head of the Himakua Ormawa PPK team.
According to Surya, hatchery segmentation is one of the critical phases in fish farming, including tilapia. The application of semi-automatic incubator technology, which was previously carried out during campus learning, has been shown to increase egg hatching rates by 95 percent. The number is higher than natural spawning which has an egg hatching rate of around 81 percent.
"Apart from that, none of the Purwasari Village farmer groups know about and apply this technology. This, of course encourages us to innovate and introduce existing technology to farmer groups," he concluded (24/6).
The existence of continuous activities in the previous year regarding the cultivation of monosex tilapia and then continued with PPK Ormawa Himakua 2023 with smart farming of course generates great hopes for making Purwasari Village a center village for tilapia.
This activity received a positive response from local residents. Yusuf, Head of Purwasari Village stated, “The lack of empowerment of human resources (HR) is one of the obstacles to the progress of this village. This activity can be a good opportunity for the people of Purwasari Village who will be able to provide added value, especially to support their food needs.”
Tilapia cultivation activities which were initially only centered in RW 01 were then expanded to RW 07. This was the first step in the initiation of the realization of Purwasari Village as a center for tilapia cultivation. (*/Rz) (IAAS/SLS)