LKST IPB University Selects 41 Prospective Tenants for the 2023 Business Incubation Program

The Science and Technology Regional Institute (LKST) IPB University selected 41 prospective tenants for the 2023 Business Incubation Program. The selection process was carried out at the Startup Center Building, Science Techno Park (STP), Campus IPB Taman Kencana, Bogor (13/6).
IPB University LKST Business Incubation Assistant, Deva Primadia Almada, SPi, MSi said that the team that passes the selection of prospective tenants would receive direct assistance from the IPB University LKST team. The team that passes will be facilitated by mentoring, coaching, proposal-making training and other training as needed.
"In the next five years, we will have an incentive program for potential startups, but it really has to be on an increased scale and have gone international," he said.
Furthermore, Deva said that the Startup Center Building has in-wall tenant room facilities, a laboratory, a pilot plant and a packing house. These facilities can be used by tenants later. "So if there are products whose products are in accordance with the facilities or facilities we have, we can facilitate them in the context of product development," he added.
Head of LKST IPB University, Prof Erika B Laconi said, this year her team will foster business incubation tenants in terms of education and science. "We hope that the selected startups already have a business. If they don't have a business yet or just started a business, we will include them in the pre-startup," she said.
Prof Erika added that next year, LKST IPB University will re-select to be included in the Asian Development Bank (ADB) Venture startup program. According to her, the target tenant must go up to class level and continue growing.
"Our support for startups will not stop. The Startup Center building is a mandate from the government for IPB University to foster startups. Our success in fostering is the growth and development of startups that are tough, superior and never give up," she said. (dr/Rz) (IAAS/MFR).