IPB University Releases 3,316 KKN-T Inovasi 2023 Students to 383 Villages and Malaysia

IPB University released 3,316 students to carry out the 2023 Innovation Community Service Program (KKN-T). The release of students to carry out this community service was held at Graha Widya Wisuda (GWW), IPB Dramaga Campus, Bogor, (17/6).
This year's KKN-T Inovasi was conducted in 383 villages spread across 35 regencies/cities and 6 provinces namely South Sumatra, Lampung, Banten, West Java, Central Java and East Java. IPB University also placed 21 international students from the School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedicine (SKHB) to participate in KKN-T in Malaysia.
Director of Agromaritime Community Development of IPB University, Dr Handian Purwawangsa said, KKN-T Inovasi this year carries the theme 'Sustainable Development of Agromaritime Communities to Achieve Socio-Resilience'. This theme shows IPB University's commitment in supporting sustainable development and socio-economic resilience of the community.
"KKN-T Inovasi 2023 has started with Thematic KKN which collaborates with community service activities that have been carried out by lecturers or researchers at IPB University, so that the selection of locations considers the activities that have been carried out by IPB University so that there is sustainability," said Dr Handian.
Dr Handian reported that KKN-T Inovasi this year involved 176 field supervisors and 34 regional coordinators. He thanked the IPB University lecturers who had been willing to help and guide KKN-T Innovation students this year.
Vice Rector of IPB University for Education and Student Affairs, Prof Deni Noviana said, KKN-T Innovation is a place to implement the knowledge gained by students in college to the community. Through KKN-T Inovasi, students identify and solve problems at the location of service.
"You will not be known as individual names but the name of IPB University. Alhamdulillah, the name of IPB University is very good. So, you must maintain it, show that you are students who have academic abilities, mature students, students who are able to communicate well, students who are able to solve existing problems, and students who are able to maintain the good name of the alma mater," said Prof Deni.
Meanwhile, the Vice Rector of IPB University for Research, Innovation and Agromaritime Development, Prof Ernan Rustiadi hopes that KKN-T Inovasi students will be inspired while exploring IPB University innovations to answer problems in the field. IPB University's innovations are numerous and Prof. Ernan wants these innovations to provide benefits to the community through KKN-T Inovasi.
"In KKN-T Inovasi, you will stay with your friends for a long time. That's where everyone's true colors will come out. There will also be true friendships. There will also be new bonds with farmers and villagers in the field. Usually those bonds will stay with you," he said.
"You bring inspiration to the village children in the field, because I know very well that many villagers are inspired by the presence of KKN students. So, don't underestimate your presence. Give an example. Insya Allah, many villagers will be inspired by your presence and they will become advanced people because they are inspired by your example, behavior and also your seriousness in advancing the community in the village," concluded Prof Ernan. (MHT/Rz) (IAAS/ARD)