IPB University Re-presents The School of Disaster Study Center
Prof Ernan Rustiadi, Vice Rector of IPB University for Research, Innovation and Agromaritime Development officially closed the series of Public Lectures of the School of Climate Change, Sustainability and Disaster (PSB School). The activity was organized by the Center for Disaster Studies (PSB) at IPB University.
On the occasion, Prof Ernan emphasized the importance of research and innovation for disaster management. “Climate change has become a worldwide issue with all its impacts. Therefore, PSB IPB University needs to keep abreast of information so that studies and innovations can be used as adaptation and mitigation strategies related to disaster anticipation and management,” he said.
In line with that, Dr Doni Yusri, Head of PSB IPB University explained that the 2nd batch of PSB School this time raised the theme of Sustainability Strategy of Mitigation and Adaptation in Disaster Management.
If the first batch in 2022 emphasized more on the aspect of strengthening knowledge and information related to climate change and its impact on the occurrence of disasters and various other natural phenomena, then in the second batch this year, the PSB School emphasized more on improving skills for actions in the field.
“The material from the resource persons emphasizes the deepening of experience in the field related to disaster management activities and actions. But it also needs to be strengthened in terms of applicable regulations,” explained Dr Doni.
“PSB School always presents interesting themes that are needed by many parties. Therefore, there will be a series that always connects with the previous series,” he added.
On the other hand, Prof Sugeng Heri Soeseno, Director of Research and Innovation of IPB University conveyed the importance of PSB School to expand its scope so that it can be followed by all parties and communities from various provinces in the country.
“This activity is very good and useful. This is an innovation whose presence is awaited by various groups. Therefore, I hope the PSB School can reach various participants from all corners of the country,” he concluded.
The PSB School Public Lecture presented competent speakers, including Dr Akhmad Faqih (Vice Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences), Prof Syamsul Maarif (Head of the Indonesian National Disaster Management Agency for the 2008-2015 period), Prof Yandra Arkeman (IPB Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Expert) and Ir Ahmad Hussein, MSi (Chairman of Independent Volunteer Action-IPB Alumni Association). (*/Rz) (IAAS/TNY)