IPB University Postgraduate Marine Science Students Deepen Surveillance and Management of Coastal and Small Islands in Lampung

IPB University Postgraduate Marine Science Students Deepen Surveillance and Management of Coastal and Small Islands in Lampung

Student Insight EN

IPB University postgraduate students from the Study Program (Prodi), Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, (FPIK) IPB University carried out an interesting lesson in surveillance and management of coasts and small islands.

In order to enrich their knowledge and understanding regarding the implementation of coastal area management, the group of students conducted field visits to Pasaran Island, Condong Island and Sebesi Island. Sebesi Island is a Community Based Marine Protected Area (DPL-BM) which has become a model for coastal management programs in other areas.

Field visit lecturer, Prof Dietriech G Bengen welcomed and enthusiastically supported this activity. He hopes that through this activity, students can find out and assess real implementation related to coastal and small island management.

"Through field visits, I would like my friends to emphasize the importance of field trips as learning about realities, problems and best practices that have been carried out by the community to overcome or mitigate problems and optimize the potential of coastal resources and sustainable small islands," said Prof Dietriech.

One of the series of activities when carrying out a visit to Sebesi Island was a friendly gathering with one of the partners since the beginning of Sebesi Island being declared as DPLBM, namely Iqbal Panji from the Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Mitra Bentala.

"Sebesi Island's status as DPLBM builds public awareness and increases collaboration between hamlets in maintaining and utilizing the marine environment so that it remains sustainable into the future," Iqbal said.

During the activity, IPB University students made observations related to coastal ecosystems (mangrove, sea grass and coral reefs) on the management of coastal areas and their implications for the socio-economic aspects of coastal communities.

Accompanied by a number of teaching lecturers and education staff, including Dr Neviaty Putri Zamani, Dr Tri Prartono and Dr I Wayan Nurjaya, students are invited to explore in depth the importance of local understanding and community participation in maintaining the sustainability of coastal resources.

It is hoped that the results obtained from field visits to Pasaran and Sebesi Islands will become inspiration and new thinking innovations for the younger generation in Indonesia in facing challenges and developing a management system for coastal and small islands that is increasingly sustainable.

"We as students feel the positive impact of a better understanding of the diversity of coastal ecosystems and the complexity of challenges to their management. This lesson has strengthened our awareness of the need for active involvement in protecting and conserving coastal resources and small islands for a sustainable future," said Satrio, one of the IPB University students involved. (RIO/RAT/Rz) (IAAS/Hap)