IPB University and University British Columbia Commit to Combine Summer Course Activities Next Year

IPB University and University British Columbia Commit to Combine Summer Course Activities Next Year


Summer Course conducted by IPB University and University British Columbia (UBC) has ended. Dr Irfan Syauqi Beik, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM) IPB University said, next year IPB University is committed to combining this activity with IPB University students. He said, the follow-up of this summer course was planned to be a potential collaboration, one of which was a double degree programme.

"Next year the activity can be combined with IPB University students with UBC so that there is interaction, joint activities and collaboration to solve problems in the village in community service," said Dr Irfan in the closing ceremony of the Summer Course at IPB Dramaga Campus, recently.

According to him, this step will provide interesting experiences for each student, both IPB University and UBC. Furthermore, Dr Irfan said he really appreciated the summer course activities that had lasted until the 9th year.

"Hopefully this activity can increase cooperation, provide new experiences, build togetherness and get to know each other's culture. We get many benefits, in addition to educational interests, we can also interact and strengthen character," he added.

UBC students, Eve Hurd and Hanna felt very impressed with the summer course activities they participated in at IPB University. Here they have new experiences and friends who are friendly and kind.

Professor Iskandar Z Siregar, Vice Rector of IPB University for Global Connectivity, Collaboration and Alumni Relations said he was grateful that the foreign students could come back to IPB University after COVID-19.

"This is a sign that in the future there will be more intensive cooperation between IPB University and UBC through student exchange programmes. The experience of UBC students here will be used as planning and improvement. Cooperation is not only a summer course but there will be research, staff exchange and so on," he added.

Chairman of the Department of Economics of IPB University, Dr Tony Irawan explained, activities during the implementation of the summer were designed into two, in class and field. He also told the activities carried out by UBC students while at IPB University.

"They saw the extent to which the campus empowers the surrounding community. They also visited Cibulao Village, Bogor to see community empowerment with coffee development there. It turns out that UBC students also surveyed students about waste management at IPB University, the results will be input for IPB University in the future," he explained. (dh/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)