In Celebrating National Family Day, Two IPB University Experts Provide Recommendations for Increasing The Resilience of Indonesian Family

Two IPB University experts namely Prof Euis Sunarti, Professor of Family Resilience and Dr Sofyan Sjaf, Rural Sociologist and Dean of the Faculty of Human Ecology (Fema) provided recommendations in an effort to increase the resilience of Indonesian families. These recommendations were presented in the National Seminar on ‘Increasing Family Resilience and Protection to Build Quality Indonesian Humans’ which was held by the National Coalition for Indonesian Family Protection online (22/6). The seminar was held in order to interpret the XXX National Family Day and 2023 National Children’s Day.
Prof Euis Sunarti emphasized that the resilience of Indonesian families can be achieved if it is made the focus of national development. Meanwhile, Dr Sofyan explained that the concept of a family-friendly village can be the basis for realizing family resilience. Of course it is supported by consolidation to oversee the Family Resilience Bill (RUU) as the basic capital.
Prof Euis revealed that the magnitude of vulnerability, social and natural threats will increase the risk of family life. “The solution is that family development must be integrated into regular development, because in the end development will have an impact on the portrait of Indonesian families and vice versa,” she said.
“Family resilience is the output of multi-sectoral national development, therefore it should be the focus of development because the family has various functions and tasks throughout the stages of its development,” she continued.
She added, family resilience includes economic, social and psychological resilience. This means that family resilience is multidimensional and multidisciplinary so it needs to be supported by all parties and every ministry.
Meanwhile, Dr Sofyan fully supports the implementation of the family-friendly village concept promoted by Prof Euis. Family-friendly village is a comprehensive holistic approach to support family resilience based on precision village data.
According to him, the village concept with an eco-village approach must become a common agenda. The Family Resilience Bill is also the basic capital for the successful implementation of environmentally friendly villages.
“The implication of having this policy is that it can become the basis for implementation of similar actions, become an instrument of consolidation and networking to strengthen the family as the basis for Indonesia’s development, as well as a guideline and platform for adaptation of social movements,” he explained.
Until now, the family-friendly village pilot project has only been carried out in eight regions and is more central on the island of Java. “There needs to be a family-friendly village activation movement as a network of cultural movements in Indonesia,” he said. (MW/Rz) (IAAS/YMK)