Improving Society’s Digital Skills, Department of Computer Science IPB University Holds Training for Elementary School Teachers

Improving Society’s Digital Skills, Department of Computer Science IPB University Holds Training for Elementary School Teachers


Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) IPB University in collaboration with Causa Prima Elementary School (SD) organizes digital skills training for elementary school teachers. This training aims to equip teachers with knowledge and skills in multimedia utilization, media and information literacy as well as basic concepts regarding algorithms and computational.

This training is expected to enhance teachers' instructional strategies, promote active learning and create a critical, systematic, dynamic and interactive learning environment. Through the knowledge and skills gained from this training, teachers are expected to be able to integrate information technology and multimedia more effectively in the teaching process in primary schools.

"This is a manifestation of IPB University's Computer Science Department mandate to increase digital literacy in society, especially for educators. Increasing the digital competency of educators will have a significant impact because they are at the forefront of character education and the mental development of students," said Head of the Computer Science Department of IPB University, Dr Sony Hartono Wijaya.

One of the teachers, Ahmad Ridha, SKom, MS was amazed by the liveliness and enthusiasm of the training participants. Apart from the warm discussion sessions in class, this was also shown by the significant development of post-test scores.

IPB University's Computer Science Department is committed to continuing to disseminate digital knowledge and skills to the community, including elementary school teachers, through the Community Digital Competency Strengthening Program. This program is a form of contribution in carrying out the tri dharma of higher education, especially in the field of community service.

The chief organizer, Dr Annisa stated that this activity would become a routine activity for the Computer Science Department of IPB University. With the collaboration between the Department of Computer Science IPB University and SD Causa Prima, he hopes that teaching in elementary schools can be of higher quality through better utilization of the potential of information technology.

"The Department of Computer Science at IPB University opens the door for collaboration with schools and other institutions for implementing the program. Interested institutions can contact us via email," he said. (*/Rz) (IAAS/Hap)