Get to Know Closer the D4 Program of Industrial Management IPB University

Get to Know Closer the D4 Program of Industrial Management IPB University

Student Insight EN

The Applied Bachelor of Industrial Management Study Program (STr MNI Study Program) is one of 17 study programs managed by IPB University Vocational School as a level of Applied Bachelor Education Program (D4 Program). This study program is expected to be able to produce graduates who are adaptive to today's disruptive conditions.

"The skills needed to deal with increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous living conditions commonly called VUCA include complex problem solving, critical thinking, creativity and collaboration. These abilities can be obtained not only by increasing the mastery of hard skills, but more than that is the readiness of character and other abilities (soft skills), "said Ir Purana Indrawan, MP as Chair of the Industrial Management Study Program of IPB University Vocational School. 

He revealed that the vision, mission and profile of graduates are outlined in a curriculum that prepares graduates to have the ability to face these challenges. "The vision of the STr MNI Study Program is to become a leading study program in producing graduates in the field of production planning and control with entrepreneurial character and have the attitudes and behaviors needed by the manufacturing and service industries," he explained.

Previously, the accreditation of D3 MNI Study Program of IPB University Vocational School had superior status. For the Applied Bachelor Program, it is currently in the submission stage to the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education (BAN PT) in accordance with the D-3 to D-4 Elevation Program initiated by the Directorate General of Vocational Education of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology.

"Based on career prospects, the job opportunities for STr MNI graduates are as managers/supervisors/supervisors in production/logistics in manufacturing and service industries such as in the food and feed processing industry, beverage industry, plantation industry, textile industry, pharmaceutical industry, automotive industry, trade, retail and others," said Purana.

He further explained that industrial management is one of the fields of science from the management science family which is an intersection of industrial engineering and management. What distinguishes STr MNI graduates from other university graduates is that they have special characteristics in the form of competence in designing, planning and controlling production at the business unit level without having to take a specific production thematic.

"In an effort to fulfil qualified human resources (HR), we have 10 permanent lecturers (homebase) in STr MNI Study Program. The lectures and guidance are assisted by lecturers from the Department of Agroindustrial Technics, Department of Agricultural Engineering and Biosystem and Department of Management S1 IPB University. IPB University Vocational School uses the principle of 'resource sharing' in utilizing resources, one of which is facilities to support lecture and practicum activities," said Purana.

Meanwhile, to bring students closer to the industrial world, in the STr MNI curriculum there are activities carried out involving the industrial world. "Semesters 4 and 5 are carried out with a block system, where practicum activities are not only carried out in the laboratory or in the Teaching Factory (Tefa) Building, students visit the company to identify problems and provide alternative solutions in accordance with the subjects studied," he explained.

Meanwhile, in semester 6, it is carried out with two mechanisms, namely lectures on campus or participating in the Freedom of Learning-Independence Campus (MBKM) program with various channels. Semester 7 is carried out an industrial internship program, where one of the outputs is to identify problems that will be analyzed and find solutions using an industrial management approach in semester 8," concluded the Head of the Industrial Management Study Program. (SMH) (IAAS/MKY)