Already got a job before graduation? Check out the Excellence of Veterinary Paramedics Study Program SV IPB University in Producing Graduates with Superior Competence

Already got a job before graduation? Check out the Excellence of Veterinary Paramedics Study Program SV IPB University in Producing Graduates with Superior Competence

Student Insight EN

The company’s need for veterinary paramedics is increasing. Therefore, reliable graduates in the field of veterinary paramedics are needed. The Vocational School of IPB University has a D4 Veterinary Paramedics Program (Prodi) that excels in producing competent graduates in their fields.

Drh Henny Endah Anggraeni, MSc as the Head of the Veterinary Paramedics Study Program revealed, even before graduating, students of the veterinary paramedic study program had been ‘booked’ by many companies.

“The need for paramedics is still very much needed. Even before graduation, students have received many requests to join from various companies. Moreover, the growth of animal clinics in Jabodetabek is increasing. Every veterinary clinic needs at least two paramedics,” she explained.

This is an outcome of the excellence of the Veterinary Paramedic Study Program in producing graduates who are competitive and have superior competence in the field of animal health.

Henny explained that the Veterinary Paramedic Study Program carries out its mandate to become a leading veterinary paramedic expertise program in the field of animal health and a superior accredited laboratory of national and international standards through applied higher education that excels in the application of science and technology (science and technology) and entrepreneurship.

“We provide soft skills coaching to produce graduates who are competent, characterized, honest, adaptive, agile, inspiring, and have links with the industrial world. Graduates of the Veterinary Paramedic Study Program are also expected to be able to transform innovative applied science and technology in the fields of animal health, laboratory techniques, and veterinary diagnostic instrumentation,” she continued.

She explained that the students are also taught by competent and outstanding lecturers. Around 90 percent of the lecturers are veterinarians who have veterinary competence and have achieved national and international achievements.

In the first semester, students are taught basic animal handling, animal physiology, anatomy, communication soft skills, and occupational safety and health (K3). In the third and fourth semesters, students are equipped with an understanding of animal husbandry, laboratories, and pet health.

“Another advantage is the D4 Paramedic Veterinary Study Program at SV IPB University is also the first paramedic veterinary study program in West Java,” he said. He said, on average each year, this study program has 350 enthusiasts per year. While the capacity per class is 70 students.

“Students are facilitated with an animal education clinic for practicum and student activities. In addition, they are given facilities for internships, because this study program has collaborated with clinics, laboratories, zoos, and private and government livestock companies,” said Henny.

To encourage and strengthen international cooperation in the field of the tri dharma of higher education, students also have the opportunity to collaborate with various foreign universities in China and Thailand. Students also have the opportunity to get the Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) and attend summer courses.

“Prospects and profiles of graduates of this study program are as paramedics, quality control, laboratory technicians, and livestock managers in government agencies and private companies. Graduates can also be entrepreneurs in establishing farms or pet shops supervised by veterinarians,” she added.

She explained that currently, around 50 percent of graduates work in clinics as paramedics, 30 percent work as state civil servants (ASN), 10 percent in animal husbandry, and 10 percent in breeding. One of the graduates has also become an outstanding student at the national level and has established a large turnover animal supplement business. (MW/Rz) (IAAS/TNY)