Preparing Resources to Enter the Digital Workplace, Himiteka FPIK IPB University Holds Microsoft Office Training

The Student Resource Development Division (PSDM) of the Marine Science and Technology Student Association (Himiteka), Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK) IPB University again held Microsoft Office Training. This activity aims to learn and improve work skills in operating Microsoft Office software and improve skills to be poured in lectures and post-campus.
Followed by 30 participants, the event presented Professional Microsoft Trainer, Aulia Hadi, SKom. Aulia provided a number of materials including making papers and proposals, data processing and making interesting powerpoints by utilising Microsoft Office.
“In my opinion, Microsoft Office training is very appropriate to be held among students who are in fact crawling into the world of work. Basic software indeed, but it must be developed and hopefully it can rejuvenate the ability of younger siblings because Microsoft will always be a work friend,” said Aulia.
Accompanied by Sutardi as the mentor, the training participants consulted effectively on the use of Microsoft Office in the campus environment, such as the management of various documents, letters, reports and others. Then data management and making attractive presentation slides for the purposes of various activities in the association and lectures.
The chief executive of this training, Fadhal Abiyu Ridho emphasised that the capital to succeed in the post-world is to be capable and have creativity, one of which is in the operation of Microsoft Office.
“The future belongs to those who have skills with creativity and innovation,” he said.
In line with Fadhal, the Head of Himiteka FPIK IPB University, Mirandika Idris also gave the view that the basics and knowledge learned about Microsoft Office are provisions for post-campus later.
“As we see, everywhere the main requirement in employee recruitment is to master Microsoft Office, so the urgency to improve skills in operating this application is the basis for implementing this training activity,” said the leader of the association under the auspices of the ITK Department of IPB University.
Nadya Cakasana, MSi as the Supervisor of Himiteka FPIK IPB University appreciated the training activities that had been followed with enthusiasm and high enthusiasm by all participants present. Not to forget, Nadya hopes that after this training, the participants can explore more about Microsoft Office.
“In an all-digital work ecosystem, the ability to share documents, compile team reports and communicate through the Microsoft Office platform is very important. You can utilise Microsoft Office features to share files in real-time, organise meetings, analyse data, create engaging presentations and much more,” said Nadya. (RAT/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)