LKST IPB University Disseminates Business Incubation Program 2023

IPB University through the Science and Technology Area Institute (LKST) or Science Techno Park (STP) held a hybrid Business Incubation Program Socialization in 2023. The activity which was attended by 74 participants took place in the LKST Meeting Room, IPB Taman Kencana Campus and was also attended by participants online. Participants came from startups, micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the Jabodetabek area, the Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) and the Regional Apparatus Work Unit (SKPD) in the Bogor City and Regency areas.
Head of LKST IPB University, Prof Erika B Laconi said, this program is one of the activities of STP IPB University to facilitate the technology business incubation process in order to grow technology-based startup companies or startup companies.
“The development and strengthening of startups is important so that they can deliver millennial children to become entrepreneurs who are strong and sustainable and beneficial economically and for the community,” he added.
In line with this, Deputy Head of LKST IPB University for Business Incubation and Industrial Partnership, Dr Rokhani Hasbullah, also expressed his hope that through this program a triple helix synergy can be realized by growing technology-based companies.
“This program will later foster 20 startups that can increase collaboration between IPB University innovations and startups so that the commercialization of IPB University can also increase,” he said.
An explanation of the Business Incubation program was delivered by the Business Incubation Assistant of STP IPB University, Deva Primadia Almada, SPi, MSi. She said that the STP IPB University Business Incubation program provides facilitation to innovative and prospective technology-based startup entrepreneurs in the fields of food, tropical agriculture, bioscience, maritime and other supporting fields.
The program, which will run for five months, is open to startups from students, alumni and the community. The stages of activities start from the selection and recruitment of prospective tenants, implementation of incubation, monitoring and evaluation.
The program, which will run for five months, is open to startups from students, alumni and the community. The stages of activities start from the selection and recruitment of prospective tenants, implementation of incubation, monitoring and evaluation.
“This year, the program will facilitate startups in the form of workshops and training, mentoring, coaching, business matching, product bazaar, pilot plant and packaging house,” she explained. Tenants who take part in this program will also have the opportunity to occupy an inwall tenant room in the Startup Center Building, IPB Taman Kencana Campus. (stpipb/Rz) (IAAS/ANF)