IPB University Lecturers and Students Attend EU SPIRIT Technical Training in Cyprus

Three universities, namely IPB University, University of North Sumatra (USU) and Syiah Kuala University (Unsyiah) represented Indonesia in the Erasmus Project called Sport and Physical Education as a Vehicle for Inclusion and Recognition India, Indonesia and Sri Lanka.
One of several series of activities carried out was the EU SPIRIT Technical Training which took place in Cyprus, precisely at the Millennium Building, Yellow Amphitheater, University of Nicosia (Unic).
"The aim of this project is to build community health and welfare through the development of academic programs in the fields of nutrition, physical education (exercise) and sports management," said Prof Ujang Sumarwan, a member of the IPB University delegation who attended.
Completely, the IPB University delegation who attended the activity in Cyprus included Prof Sri Anna Marliyati as the group leader, Prof Ujang Sumarwan, Muhammad Aries, SP, MSi. All three delegates are lecturers at the Faculty of Human Ecology (Fema) IPB University. In addition, two Fema IPB University students from the Department of Nutrition were involved, they are Sharon Ingsie Anselia and Anugerah Ramadhani Roli.
Prof Ujang explained, he and Prof Sri Anna Marliyati, Muhammad Aries, Prof Hadi Riyadi, Dr Mira Dewi and Dr Naufal Muharam Nurdin were the IPB University team in the SPIRIT Project.
“This team is given the responsibility to carry out the SPIRIT Project. One of the outputs of this project is that IPB University was asked to develop three conventional courses, namely Sport Nutrition and Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism for undergraduate programs, as well as Nutrition for Sport and Fitness for master programs," he explained.
He added, apart from developing conventional courses, IPB University was also asked to develop a Life Long Learning Course (LLL), namely a course called Nutrition, Exercise and Healthy Lifestyle. (*/Rz) (IAAS/Hap)