IPB University Faculty of Animal Sciences Establishes Collaboration with Prima Agrostis Nusantara for the Production of Sorinfer Cattle Feed
The Faculty of Animal Sciences (Fapet) IPB University has collaborated with PT Prima Agrostis Nusantara (PAN), a company engaged in the agro-industry sector. The signing of the cooperation agreement (PKS) taken place in the Faculty of Animal Husbandry Meeting Room, Dramaga Campus of IPB, (2/5).
The Dean of the Faculty of Animal Sciences of IPB University, Dr Idat Galih Permana said that previous collaboration activities had been running with PT Santana Manggala Karya (SMK) in terms of management of sorghum cultivation and management of forage production. PT SMK is the parent company of PT PAN.
“The cooperation scheme will be carried out within the framework of academic activities, research and the facilitation of apprentice students and lecturers. Hopefully this collaboration can further develop and provide benefits and blessings for all of us,” he said.
Adam Mirza, Director of PT PAN who was present at the activity appreciated the initiation of this collaboration. “Representing PT SMK which gave birth to PT PAN, we would like to express our gratitude to the Faculty of Animal Husbandry IPB University. For us, this is a means for learning because our orientation is not purely business-oriented,” he said.
Adam also hopes that the existing teaching factory can produce experts. “There are facilities in Jonggol that can be used for Indigofera. Hopefully, we can produce it ourselves. It is important for education, we are ready to accommodate experts who graduated from IPB University to pursue the main performance indicator (IKU) targets,” he explained.
The points of collaboration were explained by the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Animal Sciences IPB University in the field of Resources, Cooperation, and Development, Dr Sri Suharti. She revealed Fapet IPB University provided and facilitated land in the Jonggol Animal Husbandry Education and Research Unit (UP3J) to PT PAN for the smooth implementation of Sorinfer production activities.
“Meanwhile, PT PAN carries out a series of product management and business sales of Sorinfer products in accordance with standard operating procedures (SOP) for the feed production system,” she explained.
The signing of the cooperation agreement was also witnessed by the Professor of Fapet IPB University, Prof Luki Abdullah, an expert who also developed Sorinfer. On this occasion, he also expressed his appreciation for PT PAN which will be very helpful for the capstone program so that students can study several semester credit units (SKS) at this company. (Femmy/Rz) (IAAS/Hap)