Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs Attended IPB University Graduation, and Invites to Build Indonesia Through Food

Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs Attended IPB University Graduation, and Invites to Build Indonesia Through Food


In the moment of Graduation Phase V for the 2022/2023 Academic Year, the Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos), Dr (HC) Tri Rismaharini was present and conveyed her message to the graduates of IPB University. He invited the IPB University academic community to jointly develop Indonesia through food.

“I hope we can build Indonesia through the agriculture that we have. I believe, if this is managed properly, we can dominate the world’s food. If we can control food, we can control the world with our food,” said Risma in front of IPB University graduates, Wednesday (17/5) at Graha Widya Wisuda, Dramaga Campus of IPB.

Risma also gave the Outstanding Service and Work award to IPB University. He handed over awards to 52 academics and alumni of IPB University. The award was handed over to 11 IPB University leaders for Leadership in Social Welfare Development Based on Agriculture, Marine and Tropical Biosciences and 41 people consisting of IPB University lecturers and alumni for Outstanding Service and Work.

At this graduation, the Rector of IPB University, Prof Arif Satria, sent off 800 graduates consisting of 71 graduates from the Doctoral Program, 272 graduates from the Masters Program, 447 graduates from the Undergraduate Program and 10 graduates from the Diploma 3 Program.

Prof Arif Satria said that IPB University graduates must be able to become leaders of change, not just followers, spectators let alone opponents of change. According to him, the leadership of change is not a matter of position, but an exemplary mentality in creating innovative works that have an impact on progress and change.

“Change leaders will become trendsetters. To the graduates of IPB University, we hope to become leaders of change. Be a useful person in society. Continue to spread benefits and goodness,” said Prof Arif.

Meanwhile, Chair of the Alumni Association (HA) of IPB University, Dr Walneg S Jas welcomed and was ready to support the Ministry of Social programs. He said, HA IPB University has various programs to support the improvement of social welfare in all villages in Indonesia, one of which is through the Wiratani Bangun Desa (Wibasa) Program.

“For IPB University alumni who want to return to their hometown, we have the Wibasa Program. We help scholars with capital to do business in the villages they love. Insya Allah, Mrs Social Minister, we are ready to send IPB University graduates if needed to support programs to improve social welfare in all villages in Indonesia,” he said.

He added that the programs he launched were to realize the aspirations of HA IPB University to become a role model for alumni organizations in Indonesia. According to him, this organization is not only a forum for gathering alumni, but also for carrying out essential programs to increase contribution and dedication to alumni, alma mater, nation and state. (rz) (IAAS/Res)