Dr Nancy Dewi Yuliana: Indonesian Women Have a Strategic Role in Halal Economic Growth

Dr Nancy Dewi Yuliana: Indonesian Women Have a Strategic Role in Halal Economic Growth


Women's involvement in the halal economic sector can have a significant positive impact on global economic growth. The development of the halal industry encourages women to enter halal entrepreneurship through innovation, product development and creativity.

The leadership and challenges of women in the global halal market were also outlined by Dr Nancy Dewi Yuliana, a researcher at the Halal Science Center (HSC) IPB University at the #iEMPOWER 'Women Drive: A Way Forward in Halal Economy' event held by the World Islamic Economic Forum (WIEF), (16/5).

The IPB University lecturer from the Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology explained that Indonesian women have an important role in national economic growth. This is particularly related to the halal economy because the Muslim population in Indonesia reaches 80 percent.

"The ratio between the number of women and men in Indonesia is also almost balanced so that Indonesian women have a strategic role in economic growth, especially in small industries such as micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs)," she explained.

"More than 60 percent of industries in Indonesia are MSMEs and more than 64 percent are managed by women in the halal food and Muslim fashion sectors," she continued.

She revealed, in the face of a global economic crisis such as during the COVID-19 pandemic, small industries led by women also tend to be more able to survive than large industries.

"The trick is for women to start learning digitalization for digital marketing," she said regarding digital transformation.

In addition, she continued, the government is also trying to facilitate halal certification schemes for small industries and provide funding and financial literacy education for women.

According to her, the role of women in the growth of the halal economy is also increasingly visible when Indonesian women have begun to fill many important positions. Starting from universities to large industries. 

"Indonesia has several female figures who are pioneers in the cosmetics and Muslim fashion industries. This number is increasingly significant and has a large economic impact," she concluded.

Differently from other countries, Nigeria for example, Indonesian women have the opportunity to get a position in the government. This is evidenced by the emergence of several important female figures in the government such as presidents, ministers and activists. This opportunity gives women access to be involved in strategic policy-making. (MW/Rz) (IAAS/MKY)