Collaboration of Lecturers and Students of IPB University Vocational School, Nutrition Education in Karacak Village

Collaboration of Lecturers and Students of IPB University Vocational School, Nutrition Education in Karacak Village


Lecturers and students of the Food Service and Nutrition Industry Management Study Program (MIJMG) of IPB University Vocational School held nutrition counseling activities in Karacak, Bogor Regency. This effort is to educate the community, especially mothers and posyandu cadres. Educational materials include stunting and healthy eating patterns for toddlers.

Rosyda Dianah SKM, MKM, one of the MIJMG Study Program lecturers at the Vocational School of IPB University, said that this activity was a form of integration of courses with community service activities. This counseling activity was attended by 13 MIJMG Study Program students.

"The fulfillment of balanced nutrition in children is very important for their growth and development. Complementary Food (MPASI) is food or drink given to infants aged 6-24 months to meet nutritional needs other than breast milk,” Rosyda said.

Furthermore, she explained that the timing of complementary feeding must be considered because delayed or untimely feeding will have a serious impact on children. Providing complementary food ingredients should also be a special concern for parents. Children are advised to eat a variety of foods, adequate portions and nutritious. 

"Baby Meal Planner is an application that makes it easier for parents to plan MPASI menus. This application is equipped with a variety of menus. This application also includes the nutritional content of the MPASI so that parents can easily monitor the energy and nutritional content consumed by their children," she added.

Nafila Nazwa, one of the IPB University students explained about stunting and how to prevent it. She said stunting had an impact on the short and long term.

"Stunting is a problem of chronic malnutrition caused by insufficient nutritional intake for quite a long time. This can occur from the time the fetus is still in the womb and only appears at the age of two," She said.

She explained, brain disorders, physical, body metabolism and reduced intelligence is a short-term impact on children. The long-term impact is decreased immunity, high risk of diabetes, obesity, heart disease, cancer and others.

"Handling and prevention must be carried out as early as possible, such as pregnant women who must get sufficiently nutritious food, consume blood-added tablets and always maintain health," she ordered.

The material was also delivered by Sri Dewi Utami regarding the menu that can prevent stunting in toddlers. The menu includes animal ingredients, vegetable ingredients and vegetables. 

"There are various variations of processed food so that toddlers in Karacak village do not experience boredom in consuming food. Some examples of dishes per meal to prevent stunting for infants 6-9 months are green bean marrow porridge, chicken and carrot potato porridge and fish corn porridge," she said.

Sri said, the processed menu is very easy to practice. Besides being nutritious, the menu also has affordable raw material prices and is easy to find. (*/Rz) (IAAS/ANF)